Volume 23, Number 2: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Twelve New Mealybugs from Mississippi. (Homoptera: Coccoidea)
- The Pleural and Sternal Sclerites of the Lepidopterous Thorax
- The Bionomics of Some Tabanidae (Diptera)
- The Genitalia and Wing Venation of the Cucujidae and Related Families
- Contributions to the Life History of the Iceryine Coccids, with Special Reference to Parthenogenesis and Hermaphroditism
- The Moulting of the Silkworm and a Histological Study of the Moulting Gland
- Description of the Male of Proceratium Croceum Emery, with Remarks
- Tarsal Claws of Noctuid Larvae