Volume 21, Number 3: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- Response of the Oriental Peach Moth and Codling Moth to Colored Lights
- Phylogenetic Significance of the Frenulum Retinacula in the Gelechioidea (Microlepidoptera)
- Digestive Enzymes of the Oriental Fruit Moth
- The Physiology of Insects- Metabolism
- A Bibliography of Biographies of Entomologists, with Special Reference to North American Workers
- The Nesting Habits of the Little Carpenter-Bee, Ceratina calcarata
- Notes on the Biology of Gnophomyia luctuosa Osten Sacken, With Descriptions of the Immature Stages
- Response and Adaptation of Insects to External Stimuli
- A New Species of Rhagovelia (Veliidae-Hemiptera)
- Observations on the Buffalo Tree Hopper Ceresa Bubalus Fabr. (Membracidae, Homoptera), and the Bionomics of an Egg Parasite, Polynema striaticorne Girault (Mymaridae, Hymenoptera)
- The Preservation of Immature Insects
- A Demonstration of the Location of Auditory Organs in Certain Orthoptera
- The Genus Driotura Osborn and Ball and the Genus Unoka Gen. n. (Homoptera, Cicadellidae)