Volume 44, Number 5: Journal of farm economics
- A Letter from the President of the United States
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Progress in Dealing with Measurement and Quality Problems in Planning Land and Water Use
- New Approaches in Organizing for Land and Water Use
- Discussion
- Farm Economic Problems and Urban Sprawl
- Valuing, Paying for and Providing Open Space in Urban Fringe Areas
- Discussion
- The Socio-Political-Economic Framework of Agriculture in the Rural-Urban Fringe
- Discussion
- Land Values and Parks in Urban Fringe Areas
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: Institutional Processes in Agriculture
- Some Institutional Aspects of Rural Development
- Institutional Change and Capital Control in Agriculture
- An Interpretive View of an Institutional Process: Measuring Effectiveness and Changeability of the Cooperative Extension Service
- Hawaii's New Approach to Land Use Regulation
- The Effects of the Price-Support Program for Peanuts on the Sale Value of Farms
- Needed: Improvements in the Federal-State Farm Economic Intelligence Service
- What the Federal-State Farm Economic Intelligence Service Is and Does
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Unsolved Problems in Data Collection and Analysis
- Unsolved Problems in Dissemination and Application
- Discussion
- Reports and Minutes, AFEA
- Report of the President
- Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
- Report of the Editor
- Report of the Audit Committee
- Report of the Election Tellers
- Report of the Directory Committee
- A Canadian Looks at American Farm Policy
- Report of the Investment Committee
- Report of the Awards Committee
- Report of the Membership Committee
- Report of the Student Activities Committee
- Report of the Committee on Retrieval of Agricultural Economics Literature
- Report of the Employment Committee
- Report of the Resolutions Committee
- Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings
- Storrs, Connecticut, August 19, 1962
- Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
- Farm Fundamentalism- Past and Future
- Program of AFEA for Recognizing Outstanding Agricultural Economists
- Policy Summary--AFEA Awards for Research in Agricultural Economics
- Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure
- Committees of the American Farm Economic Association, 1961-62
- Index, Volume XLIV
- The Historical Development of Agricultural Fundamentalism in the Nineteenth Century
- Economic Fundamentalism�Its Relation to Agriculture
- Farm Fundamentalism--Its Future
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Reply from President Allin
- Current Status of Research and Education to Improve the Economic Welfare of Farm People
- The Implications of Changes in the Economy for Work in Agricultural Economics
- Discussion
- Adequacy of Current Research and Education as Viewed by a Farm Program Analyst
- Discussion
- Farm Income Policies and Research
- Discussion
- The Department of Agriculture�Land-Grant College System The First Hundred Years
- Some Observations on the Organizational Nature of a Great Technological Payoff
- The Farmer's Role in the Development of the National Economy
- Fellows of the American Farm Economic Association
- Administration of Land-Grant Colleges and Economic Growth
- Activities of the Center for Agricultural Adjustment and Economic Development
- Keeping Land-Grant College Programs Abreast of Needs in Agriculture
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Teaching Agricultural Economics in the Land-Grant University for the 1970's
- Agricultural Economics Teaching and Our Domestic Problems
- Teaching as Related to Our International Responsibilities
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Presidential Address In Search of Principles of Farm Policy
- Obstacles to Farm Economic Development in the Less-Developed Countries
- Overcoming the Obstacles
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: Agriculture in Dynamic Economies
- Realistic Planning for Soviet Agriculture
- The Land Market as a Link Between the Rural and Urban Sectors of the Economy
- Relationship of Puerto Rican Agriculture to Recent Industrial Development
- Luncheon Address
- Cooley Amendment Loans�Two Case Studies
- Contributed Papers: Production Economics in Agriculture
- An Application of Residual Analysis for Determining Relationships Between Selected Variables and Unit Cost
- The Effect of Technical Efficiency on Optimum Size
- Nonfarm Inputs as a Source of Agricultural Productivity
- A Correlation Analysis of Water Supply and Irrigated Yields, Mirage Flats Project, 1952-60
- Evaluating Farm Investments by Capital Budgeting
- Managerial Resources and Functions
- Alternative Sources of Managerial Resources on Farms
- Discussion
- Agricultural Economists: An Unfinished Task
- Effects of Off-Farm Migration of Managers on Managerial Resources in Agriculture
- Discussion
- Executive Skills and Executive Capacity in Farm Management
- Discussion
- The Application of Decision-Making Processes in Extension Work
- The Application of Decision-Making Processes in Extension Work�in Public Policy
- Discussion
- The Application of Decision-Making Processes in Extension Work�in Farm Management
- Discussion
- The Application of Decision-Making Processes in Extension Work�in Marketing
- Agriculture at the Crossroads
- Discussion
- Redirecting Agricultural Marketing Research in the Land-Grant Colleges
- Goals and Conflicts in Agricultural Marketing Research
- Discussion
- An Economist Evaluates Marketing Research by Production Specialists and Home Economists
- Discussion
- Contributions Agricultural Marketing Research Might Make to Policy Formulation
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: Demand, Markets, and Prices in Agriculture
- Oligopoly: Structure and Infra-Structure
- Agricultural Reform in the United States and the New Frontier
- Intermarket Milk Price Relationship and Implications
- Methodology and Implications of Spatial Equilibrium Solutions in the Pork Sector of the Livestock-Meat Economy
- Depreciation: A Rising Cost of Processing Food Products
- The Demand for Agricultural Mortgage Credit
- Lessons for Farm Economists from Recent Antitrust Decisions
- A Lawyer's View
- Discussion
- An Economist's View
- Discussion
- Desirable Public Policy
- Contributions of the New Frontier to Agricultural Reform in the United States
- Discussion
- Administrative Law and Farm Economics
- Administrative Processes at the National Level
- Discussion
- Administrative Processes at the Local Level
- Discussion
- The Role of Judicial Review in the Administrative Process
- Discussion
- Another Look at Planning Land and Water Use
- A Review of Current National Plans for Land and Water Use