Volume 43, Number 5: Journal of farm economics
- Fellows of the American Farm Economic Association
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Reorganizing Agricultural Economics Extension Work
- A Critical Appraisal of the State of Agricultural Economics Extension Work Today
- Directions Needed in Extension Farm Management Work
- Directions Needed in Extension Marketing Work
- Directions Needed in Extension Public Policy Programs
- Applying Economics in Agricultural Extension
- Use of Economic Theory in Extension Problem Solving
- Use of Economic Theory in Farm Management
- Use of Economic Theory in Marketing
- U.S. Endeavors to Assist Low-Income Countries Improve Economic Capabilities of Their People
- Use of Economic Theory in Public Affairs Extension Work
- An Appraisal of the Rural Development Program: The First Six Years
- Rural Development Achievements and Shortcomings as Seen at the Federal Level
- Discussion
- Rural Development Achievements and Shortcomings as Seen at the State
- Discussion
- Rural Area Development in a Growing Economy
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: The Agricultural Economics Curriculum, Graduate and Undergraduate
- The Undergraduate Curriculum and Teaching in Agricultural Economics� A Perspective
- Discussion
- The Use of Individual Study Course Techniques in the Undergraduate Curriculum
- Comparative Advantage and Agricultural Economics Undergraduate Curricula
- On-the-job Graduate Study in Agricultural Economics
- The Problems of Teaching Agricultural Economics in India
- Reports and Minutes: American Farm Economic Association
- Report of the President
- Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
- Report of Certified Public Accountant
- Report of the Election Tellers
- Report of the Investment Committee
- Significant Changes in Foreign Agriculture Since 1945
- Report of the Awards' Committee
- Report of the Membership Committee
- Report of the Student Activities Committee
- Report of the Agricultural Data Committee
- Report of the Employment Committee
- Report of the Resolutions Committee
- Minutes: 1960-61 Executive Committee
- Minutes: 1961-62 Executive Committee
- Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
- Report of the Editor
- Plans of Agricultural Development in India
- Committees of the American Farm Economic Association
- Minutes: Western Farm Economics Association
- Index, Vol. XLIII
- Discussion
- The Development of Brazilian Agriculture, 1945-1960
- Discussion
- Significant Changes in Japanese Agriculture Since 1945
- Discussion
- Presidential Address: Relevant Home Economics
- Emerging Problems in Water Economics
- The Stock Resource Value of Water
- Discussion
- Water Quality, A Problem for the Economist
- Discussion
- Water Law and Economic Transfers of Water
- Weather and Crop Yields
- A Measure of the Influence of Weather on Crop Production
- Discussion
- Importance of Weather Variability on Management Decisions
- The "New" Agricultural Program-For Better or For Worse?
- Discussion
- Use of Weather Factors in Short-Run Forecasts of Crop Yields
- Discussion
- Farm Labor and Labor Mobility
- The Farm Labor Force: Recent Trends and Future Prospects
- Discussion
- The Incidence of Increasing Wage Costs in Farm Production
- Discussion
- The Use of Foreign Labor for Seasonal Farm Work in the United States-Issues Involved and Interest Groups in Conflict
- Discussion
- Reshaping Farm Policy in 1961
- Contributed Papers: Land Economics, Farm Finance and Institutional Economics
- The Preferential Assessment of Farmland, the Maryland Experience
- Effect of Nonfarm Employment on Agricultural Development
- Does the Farm-Ranch Corporation Solve or Circumvent Problems?
- Economies of Scale in Agricultural Production
- Economies of Scale in Crop Production
- Discussion
- Economies of Scale in Livestock Production
- Discussion
- Implications of Economies of Scale to National Agricultural Adjustments
- The Administration's Score on the First Round
- Discussion
- Improvement of the Management Resource in Agriculture
- Improved Managerial Processes for Farmers
- Discussion
- The Management Resource and Agricultural Marketing
- Discussion
- Teaching Managers How to Improve Their Decision-Making Processes
- Discussion
- Adjusting Livestock Farms to the Prospects of the 1960's
- Adjusting Livestock Farms in the South to the Prospects of the 1960's
- Toward an International Dimension
- Discussion
- Adjusting Livestock Farms in the North Central States to the Prospects of the 1960's
- Discussion
- Adjusting Livestock Farms and Ranches in the Eleven Western States to the Prospects of the 1960's
- Discussion
- Economics of Southern Pine Forestry
- Factors Influencing the Consumption of Southern Pine
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: Farm Management and Production Economics
- How Have Acreage-Control Programs Affected Crop Yields?
- Training Needs for American Technical-Assistance Specialists Abroad
- The Long-Run Equilibrium in the Hired Farm Labor Force: History and Implications
- Decision Theory, Climatic Variability and "Best" Short-Run Management Strategies
- Decision-Making Criteria for Maximizing Returns to Federal Grant Lands
- An Approach to Yield Projection and Aggregation
- Do Market Structures Influence Market Developments?
- A Theoretical Scaffolding for Analysis of Market Structures
- Discussion
- The Effect of Marketing Orders on Market Structures and Some Consequent Market Developments
- Discussion
- Empirical Measurement in Market Structure Research
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Agricultural Grading in the 1960's
- The Function of Grades in an Affluent, Standardized-Quality Economy
- Discussion
- Economic Effects of Recent Changes in Lamb Standards
- Discussion
- A Merchandiser's View of the Function of Grades
- Discussion
- Contributed Papers: Consumption, Marketing, and Prices
- A Queuing Theory Application With Time-Dependent Parameters
- International Opportunities for American Land-Grant Universities
- Storage Demand for a Perishable: Potatoes
- Spatial Pricing Accuracy and Price Relationships in the Market for Slaughter Hogs
- Creating a Product Image--Implications for Marketing Agricultural Products
- Some Significant Aspects of Profits in Food Marketing
- The Scope Effort of Extension and Agricultural Economics
- Implications of the Scope Effort to Agricultural Economics
- Discussion
- Contributions of Agricultural Economists to the Scope Effort
- Discussion
- The Scope Effort As Viewed by an Agricultural Economist