Volume 39, Number 2: Journal of farm economics
- Training Foreign Students in Agricultural Economics
- Discussion: Approaches to the Rural Development Program
- Agricultural Policy--Recent Changes and Future Implications
- An Appraisal of Recent Changes in Agricultural Programs in the United States
- Policy Implications of Vertical Integration in United States Agriculture
- Discussion: An Appraisal of Recent Changes in Agricultural Programs in the United States
- Discussion: Policy Implications of Vertical Integration in United States Agriculture
- Changes in Marketing and Marketing Research
- Econometric Models for the Dairy Industry
- The Changing Structure of the Food Market
- Discussion: Econometric Models for the Dairy Industry
- Ten Years of FAO Statistics and Economics Training Centers
- Discussion: The Changing Structure of the Food Market
- Economic Implications of Agricultural Experiments
- Organization Activities and Criteria in Obtaining and Fitting Technical Production Functions
- Statistical Problems of Joint Research
- Problems of Applying Experimental Results to Commercial Practice
- Discussion: Economic Implications of Agricultural Experiments
- The Support Program and the Stability of Cotton Prices
- A Modified Simplex Solution for Linear Programming with Variable Prices
- Rent Reduction and Tenure Security in Free Viet Nam
- Agricultural Economics, Production Economics and the Field of Farm Management
- U.S. Training for Foreign Students in Agricultural Economics
- Farmer Debtor Relief: A Case Study
- Observations on the Agriculture of Argentina
- Analyzing the Solution Tableau of a Simplex Linear Programming Problem in Farm Organization
- Farm Income--A Confused Picture
- Notes
- Resource Adjustments on 146 Commercial Corn-Belt Farms 1936-1953
- Are Land Prices Too High: A Note on Behavior in the Land Market
- Urbanization and the Incomes of Farm and Nonfarm Families in the South
- Dividing Soil Bank Payments Between Landlord and Tenant
- Note on J. N. Boles' "Short Cuts in Programming"
- Discussion; Ten Years of F. A. O. Statistics and Economics Training Centers
- Influence of Rainfall on Fertilizer Profits
- Identifying Management Alternatives
- Some Questions on the Beringer Paper
- Reply to Questions by Professors Puterbaugh and Lampe
- A Short-Run Supply Relationship for Eggs in Minnesota
- Mr. Gray on Caricature
- The Saddening Vista of the Sawdust Trails
- Publications Received
- Book Reviews
- News Notes
- United States Training for Foreign Students in Agricultural Economics
- Degrees Conferred and Graduate Students in Agricultural Economics
- Announcement of the AMerican Marketing Association's Meeting in Detroit, Michigan June 19-21
- Announcement of Tobacco Literature Service
- Tentative Program- AMerican Farm Economic Association
- Information Needed for Rural Development Programs
- Status of the National Rural Development Program to Date
- Approaches to the Rural Development Program
- Discussion: Status of the National Rural Development Program to Date