Volume 38, Number 5: Journal of farm economics
- Agricultural Economics in the Years Ahead
- Policies for Economic Growth and Stability
- Food Research
- Major Current Problems in Nutrition Research
- Studies of the Consumption of Food and Their Uses
- Some Problems Raised by the Official Estimates of American Per Capita Food Consumption
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- The Economic Impact of Technology on Farm Commodities
- The Economic Impact of Technology on Meat Packing
- The Economic Impact of Technology on Farm Commodities: The Case of Oranges
- Panel Discussion: "Strategy from the Standpoint of Agriculture"
- The Economic Impact of Technology on Strawberries
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Reports and Minutes
- Annual Report of the President, AFEA
- Report of the Local Arrangements Committee for the 1955 Winter Meeting of AFEA, New York, December 28-30, 1955
- Report of the AFEA-WFEA Local Arrangements Committee, 1956 Annual Meeting
- Report of the Ladies' Hospitality Committee, 1956 AFEA-WFEA Meetings
- Annual Meeting Western Farm Economics Association
- United States Technical Assistance to Foreign Agriculture
- Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, AFEA 1955-56
- Report of the Editor, Journal of Farm Economics
- Report of the Chairman, Awards Committee, AFEA
- Report of the Agricultural Data Committee of the AFEA
- Report of the Directory Committee, AFEA
- Report of the Committee on Recognition of Outstanding Agricultural Economists, AFEA
- Report of Committee on Financing Graduate Student Attendance at the American Farm Economic Association Meeting
- Report of the Employment Committee, AFEA
- Report of the Committee on Finance, AFEA, 1955-56
- Report of 1956 Membership Committee, AFEA
- A Review and Criticism of United States Participation in Agricultural Programs of Technical Cooperation
- Report of the Auditing Committee, AFEA
- Report of the Election Tellers, AFEA
- Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee and committee personnel of the American Farm Economic Association, Saratoga, California, August 26, 1956
- Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee, AFEA, Asilomar, California, August 27, 1956
- Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting, AFEA, August 28, 1956
- Minutes of meeting of the Executive Committee, AFEA, Tuesday, August 28, 1956
- Minutes of meeting of the Executive Committee, AFEA, Cleveland, Ohio, December 27, 1956
- Index to Volume XXXVIII
- Area Section A. Problems in High-Population, High-Technology, Low-Income Countries (Parts of Western Europe and Japan)
- Area Section B. Problems in High-Population, Low-Technology, Low-Income Countries (Asia, Excluding Japan)
- Area Section C. Problems in Low-Population, Low-Technology, Low-Income Countries (Africa, Latin America, the Middle East)
- Effective Cooperation with Agricultural Economists Abroad
- Growing Demand for Water: Product and Cost Allocation
- Theoretical Considerations of Water Allocation Among Competing Uses and Users
- The Agricultural Problem
- Can Water Be Allocated by Competitive Prices?
- Economic Implications of the Partnership Policy in Water Resources Development
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- The Role of Farm Management Research in the United States: 1956-66
- A Framework for Farm Management Research Programs in the Decade Ahead
- Institutional Consideration in Farm Management in the Decade Ahead
- Policy Considerations in Farm Management Research in the Decade Ahead
- Discussion
- California Agriculture--Its Unique Features and Problems
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Can We Expand Markets for Farm Products?
- Economic Bases for Market Development Programs: The Case of United States Cotton
- New Techniques in Consumer Preference Research
- Research on Improved Merchandising of Agricultural Products
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- The Poor in Agriculture
- A Prevue of California Agriculture
- Some Myths of Southern Economic Growth: A Study of Comparative Growth Rates in the Manufacturing Economy of the 11 Southeastern States
- A Comparative Analysis of the Earnings of Some White and Negro Farmers
- What to Do about Low Incomes in Agriculture
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Research Methods in Price Analysis
- Demand and Quality Preferences for Deciduous Fruits
- Some Economic Effects of Supporting Feed Grain Prices
- New Ideas and Methods for Price Research
- The Economics of Growth and Stability in the United States
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Changing Requirements for Agricultural Data
- Agricultural Data Requirements in Extension Work
- Data Requirements in Agricultural Administration and Research
- Local Data Requirements in Areas of High Agricultural Specialization
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Award-Winning Graduate Students' Contributed Papers
- Fiscal Needs and Capacity of Connecticut Towns
- Growth and Stability in the General Economy
- Estimating Demand for Livestock Products at the Farm Level
- Economic Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Production Forecasts
- Linear Programming--A New Approach to Interregional Competition in Dairying
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Credit and Investment in Agriculture
- Economic Considerations in Making Timber Loans
- Financing Farm Adjustments
- Equity Financing in Agriculture
- Discussion
- An Alternative Diagnosis of the Farm Problem
- Discussion
- Discussion
- What Is Behind Widening Marketing Price Spreads?
- Economic Implications of Current Transportation Policy Recommendations
- Salient Features of Rising Marketing Costs
- Alternate Approaches to the Marketing Margin�Farmer's Share Concept
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Contributions of Economics in Range Economics Research
- Discussion
- Use of Economics in Making Decisions Relating to Range Use
- Economic Concepts in Directing and Designing Research for Programming Use of Range Resources
- Use of Surveys in Economic Research in Forage Production for Grazing
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Regional Development and Trade
- The Effects of Industrial Development on Tennessee Valley Agriculture, 1900-1950
- Price Support Programs and Interregional Competition
- Interregional Competition As Affected by Recent Developments
- The Strategy for Economic Growth and Stability
- Disccussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Agricultural Policy Issues
- Economic Implications of California Agricultural Marketing Programs
- Canada's Price Support Policy and Its Performance
- Shortcomings in Current Explantions of National Farm Surpluses
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion