Volume 38, Number 4: Journal of farm economics
- Economic Aspects of the Farm Woodland Enterprise
- Teaching Economics in Colleges and Universities
- An Analysis of the First Interim Report of the New House Subcommittee on Family-Size Farms
- Outcome of Land Reform in the Republic of Korea
- Migration and Factor Adjustment in Lower Mississippi Valley Agriculture: 1940-50
- Notes
- Note on Farm Tenancy and Urbanization
- The Income Position of West German Agriculture: A Review Note
- Galbraith's Stinger
- A Note on Demand Elasticity, Prices, and the Business Cycle
- Computation of the R Column of the Simplex Linear Programming Worksheet
- The Consolidation of Farming Lands in France
- Publications Received
- Reviews
- News Notes
- AFEA Winter Meeting
- Estimating Enterprise Production Functions from Input-Output Data on Multiple Enterprise Farms
- Predicting Hog Prices
- A Modified Simplex Solution for Linear Programming with Variable Capital Restrictions
- Classification of Values that Serve as Motivators to Consumer Purchases
- Research on Advertising Effectiveness
- Questions for Designers of Future Water Policy
- Short Cuts in Programming Computations