Volume 38, Number 2: Journal of farm economics
- Agriculture in the Nation's Economy
- Introduction: Tariff Policy for the U.S.A.
- The Escape Clause
- Role of Agriculture in a Modern U.S. Tariff Policy
- Tariff Policy-Hardship Cases and Reciprocal Benefits
- Tariff Policy for the U.S.A., A Strong, Rich Country
- Canada's Interest in U.S. Tariff Policy
- The Dynamics of Food Retailing
- Movements in the Retail Distribution of Food in the U.S.
- Developments in Self-Service Food Distribution Abroad
- Food Retailing and Economic Growth
- Prospects for Economic Growth and Agricultural Policy
- A Critique of Federal Statistical Series: Index of Consumer Prices
- What Concepts Are Appropriate to Consumer Price Indexes?
- The Parity Index and the Farm Expenditure Survey
- BLS Consumers' Price Index and the AMS Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Family Living-A Juxtaposition
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Application of Mathematical Programming to Agricultural Economic Problems
- Programming Farm-Nonfarm Allocation of Farm Family Resources
- Application of Programming Analysis to Corn Belt Farms
- Solving Feed Problems Through Linear Programming
- World Food and Agricultural Potentialities
- Land Tenure Situation Around the World
- Basic Elements in the World Land Tenure Problems
- Report on the Land Tenure Situation in Pakistan and India
- Land Tenure Problems in Southern Europe
- Land Tenure in Australia in Relation to Technical Advances and Closer Settlement
- Land Tenure in the Philippines
- Estimation of Economic Relationships
- The Dynamics of the Onion Market
- Effects of Shocks and Errors in Estimation: An Empirical Comparison
- Estimates of the Elasticities of Supply of Selected Agricultural Commodities
- The Resources and Performance of Soviet Agriculture
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Minimum Wages and Other Labor Standards Considered in Relation to Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries
- Minimum Labor Standards in Factory Employment in Underdeveloped Areas
- Minimum Wages and Other Labor Standards in Small-scale and Cottage Industries Considered in Relation to Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries
- Minimum Wages and Other Labor Standards in Agriculture Considered in Relation to Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries
- Labor Standards and Wages in Agriculture in Underdeveloped Countries
- Minimum Wages and Other Labor Standards Considered in Relation to Economic Growth in Underdeveloped Countries
- Minimum Wage Regulation in Underdeveloped Countries
- Statistical Analysis of Supply Response in Late Spring Potatoes in California
- Soviet Agricultural Resources Reappraised
- The Impact of the Choice of Model on Measurements of Economic Behavior Relationships
- Estimating Yields and Grades of Slaughter Steers and Heifers
- Marketing Extension and Competitive Structure
- Weaners, Yearlings, or Twos
- Notes
- A Note on Aspects of Linear Programming Technique
- Member Behavior and Optimal Pricing in Marketing Cooperatives
- More Ado About Sarles' Suppositions Regarding the Interstate Managerial Study
- Using the Simplex Worksheet for Linear Programming
- Publications Received
- Soviet Agricultural Policy After Stalin: Results and Prospects
- Book Reviews
- Memorial, Laurence Joseph
- News Notes
- Degrees Conferred and Graduate Studnets in Agricultural Economics
- Programme, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Meeting
- Conducted Tour of California Agriculture
- Joint Annual Meeting AFEA and WFEA
- Announcing the 1956 Directory of AFEA
- Eye-Witness Appraisal of Soviet Farming, 1955
- Discussion
- Tariff Policy for the U.S.A., A Strong, Rich Country