Volume 35, Number 4: Journal of farm economics
- Linear Programming Applied to Feed-Mixing Under Different Price Conditions
- Agricultural Problems of the Middle East
- Notes
- Some Recommendations for Standardizing Farm Management Terminology
- The Evitability of Technological Advance
- A Rejoinder
- A Demand Curve for Commercial Dairy Feed in Northeastern Pennsylvania
- Price Support Semantics
- A Four-Equation Model of the Feed-Livestock Economy and Its Endogenous Mechanism� A Correction
- Long-Run Price Forecasts in Farm Planning
- Long-Run Price Forecasts in Farm Planning . James Nielson 615 Horticultural Specialties: A Neglected Segment of U. S. Agriculture
- Economics in Agricultural College Curricula
- Profit Maximization and Measures of Farm Success
- Publications Received
- Book Reviews
- December Meetings
- News Notes
- Obituaries- Harry C. Woodworth and Andrew W. Ashby
- Agricultural Policy and Farmers' Freedom: A Suggested Framework
- Agricultural Integration in Europe
- Alternative Functions for Analyzing A Fertilizer-Yield Relationship
- Minimizing Grain Storage Costs
- Hedging Reconsidered
- Forage-Grain Substitution: Its Importance in the Economics of Milk Production
- Proper Planning Reduces Research Errors