Volume 31, Number 1, Part 2: Journal of farm economics
- Agriculture in a Stabilized Economy
- The Food Situation in Europe in Relation to the Work of FAO
- What John Smith Needs to Know about the Benefits and Costs of Soil Conservation
- Methods of Evaluating Soil Conservation Measures
- Interregional Economic and Social Aspects of an Objective Evaluation of Soil Conservation
- Cooperating in Objective Soil Conservation Research
- Roundtable on Farm Taxation
- Analyzing the Tax Load of Agriculture
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Extension Methods
- An Introduction to Extension Economics
- Issues in American Foreign Food Policy
- Useful Techniques in an Extension Program in Agricultural Policy
- Useful Techniques in an Extension Marketing Program
- Useful Techniques in an Extension Program in Farm Management
- Useful Techniques in an Extension Program in Economic Principles as Applied to Agriculture
- Research Methods
- Research in Public Policy
- Discussion
- Statistics and Research in the Field of Price Analysis
- Discussion
- Teaching Methods
- Discussion
- Coordinating Functional and Descriptive Material in Teaching Marketing
- The Place of Lectures, Recitations and Laboratory Work in Presenting Subject Matter in Introductory Marketing
- Utilization of Illustrative Material, Field Trips and Other Aids in Teaching Marketing
- Agricultural Statistics
- State Frontiers in Agricultural Statistics
- Discussion
- Presentation of Agricultural Data in the States
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Fats and Oils
- Outlook for World Fats and Oils Production and Use
- Agricultural Policy
- Animal Fats and Oils--Situation and Outlook
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Livestock Marketing Research
- Research into the Problems Involved in Marketing Slaughter Livestock by Carcass Weight and Grade
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Farm Labor
- Capital-Labor Substitution in Cotton Farming
- An Analysis of the Economy of Use of Farm Labor in the Corn Belt
- The Agricultural Act of 1948
- Farmer-Worker Relationships
- The Functional Approach to Effective Farm Labor Utilization
- Canadian Agricultural Manpower Problems
- Roundtable on Land Use Policy in the River Basins
- Political and Other Processes in Formulating and Implementing Land Use Policies in the River Basins
- Physical, Economic, and Social Factors in Formulation of Land Use Policies in River Basins
- The Role of the Agricultural Economists in the Formulation of Land Use Policies in River Basins
- Roundtable on Cotton Marketing
- Cotton Mechanization: Its Probable Influence on Marketing
- Research in Cotton Marketing
- Food Supply Problems
- Roundtable on Formula Pricing of Class I Milk under Market Orders
- Formula Pricing of Class I Milk Under Market Orders
- Formula Pricing Class I Milk Under Market Orders
- Pricing Class I Milk Under Federal Orders
- Principles for Pricing Market Milk
- Roundtable on Effects of Technological Changes on Cost Reduction in Agriculture
- Effects of Technological Changes on Cost Reduction in Agriculture: Recent and Prospective Changes
- Effects of Technological Changes on Northeastern Agriculture
- Effects of Technological Changes on Cost Reduction in Agriculture: Effects in the Midwest
- Effects of Selected Changes in Technology on Western Agriculture
- World Population Trends
- Technology and the Cost Structure on Southern Farms
- Panel Discussion on Workshops: Workshops a Learning Process
- The 1946 and 1947 Land Tenure Workshops
- The 1948 Land Tenure Workshop
- The 1948 Farm Management Workshop
- Roundtable on Operation of the Research and Marketing Act of 1946
- Administrative Problems and Policies of the Research and Marketing Act of 1946
- Operation of the Research and Marketing Act of 1946: State and Federal Regulations
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Food Production Potentialities and Problems
- Roundtable on World Trade
- United States Foreign Trade Policy�A Practical Approach
- Discussion
- The European Recovery Program and the American Farmer
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Problems of Graduate Students
- Can Graduate Training Rise Above Institutional "Inbreeding" of Ideas?
- Specialization vs. Diversification in Course Work
- Dual Responsibility Between the Graduate Assistant and the University
- How to Stimulate Graduate Student Interest in Professional Publication
- Discussion
- Vocational Goals of the Graduate Student
- Roundtable on Marketing Research
- Agricultural Marketing Research
- Discussion
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Cooperation
- Unsettled Questions Relating to Agricultural Cooperation
- Discussion
- Unsettled Questions Relating to Cooperatives and Cooperation
- Membership and Public Relations in Agricultural Cooperatives
- Discussion
- Roundtable on Size of Farms
- The Size of Farm in the South
- North Dakota Farm Size Trends�An Evaluation
- Should All Farms Be Large?
- Size of Farm in the Northeast
- Size of Farms
- Roundtable on Risk and Finance
- Risks in Agricultural Lending
- Discussion
- Discussion
- International Food Affairs
- Roundtable on Fruit and Vegetable Marketing
- National Consumer Preference Study for Potatoes
- The North-Central States Regional Potato Marketing Project Controlled Retail Store Experiment
- Quality Factors Affecting the Price of Peaches on the Benton Harbor Market
- Determining Consumer Preferences for Sweet Potatoes: Methods and Results
- Roundtable on Outlook Information
- Use of Outlook in an Extension Program
- Outlook and Farm Management
- The Development and Use of Economic Information and Forecasts by Industry
- Roundtable on Objective Evaluation of Soil Conservation