Volume 29, Number 1: Journal of farm economics
- Food, Agriculture, and Trade
- Agricultural Legislation: An Appraisal of Current Trends and Problems Ahead
- A Theory of Cooperation
- The Future of Farm Cooperatives in the United States
- Review of Papers on Agricultural Cooperation
- The Farm Land Boom
- Federal Credit Agencies as an Influence Upon Land Values
- Review of Papers by R. I. Nowell and R. C. Engberg
- Farm and Home Planning�A New Approach to Farm Management Extension Work
- Research Needed in Economics for Farm and Home Planning
- The Natural Sciences and Farm Planning
- Review of Professor Schultz's Paper
- Discussion
- Some Economic and Social Implications on Agricultural Adustments in the South
- Review
- Review
- Review
- Discussion
- The Application of Work Simplification Techniques to Marketing Research
- Work Simplification�A Joint Problem for Management, Engineering, and Commodity Specialists
- Evaluation of Work Simplification Research and Teaching Activities
- Review
- Review of Professor Schultz's Paper
- The Bureau of Agricultural Economics Program in Enumerative Sampling
- The Place for Enumerative Surveys in Research and Graduate Training in Agricultural Economics
- The Sample Design for a National Farm Survey by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics
- Farm Attitudes and Methods of Supporting Prices
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Payments�With Special Emphasis on Marketing Considerations
- Some Effects of Compensatory Payments
- Recent Developments in Economic Thinking
- The Elementary Course
- Dairy Marketing Research Round-Table Meeting
- Discussion
- Review of Professor Schultz's Paper
- Discussion
- Marketing Research under the Research and Marketing Act of 1946
- Economic Implications of Technological Developments in Agricultural Production
- Technological Developments in Agricultural Marketing
- A Food and Nutrition Program for the United States
- Deficiencies in the United States Diet, and Means of Meeting Them
- Levels of Food Consumption, Past and Prospective
- Programs for Maintaining Food Demand
- Food Consumption in Relation to Farm Production and Income
- Nutritional Aspects and Farm Family Needs in a Food and Nutrition Policy
- Review of Professor Schultz's Paper
- Annual Business Meeting, American Farm Economic Association
- Obituary
- Agricultural Legislation: An Appraisal of Current Trends and Problems Ahead
- Legislative Program of the National Grange
- Postwar Agricultural Program
- Government and the Economy