Volume 26, Number 4: Journal of farm economics
- The Prospects of European Agriculture and Their Implications for the United States
- Dr. Nourse on Low-Price Policy: A Review
- Addendum: From Analysis to Prediction
- Notes
- Some Defects in the Analysis of Farm Management Data
- Computation and Use of Output Units in Farm Business Analysis
- Food Consumption Programs as a Part of a Farm Program
- Adjustments in Western Beef Cattle Production and Marketing During the War and Post-War Periods
- The Importance of Storage Costs in Accumulating Food Stocks
- Ceiling over Ceiling Pricing
- Reviews
- Cartels, Combinations and the Public Interest
- Publications Received
- Honor Roll
- News Items
- Index to Volume XXVI
- Contribution of Price Policy to the Income and Resource Problems in Agriculture
- Public Works on Private Land
- How Long Does It Take to Pay for a Farm Starting with Heavy Debts?
- Need for a New Classification of Farms
- The Demand for Agricultural Commodities in the Period of Transition from War to Peace
- Agricultural Prices Following World War II
- Some Factors Affecting the Rate of Retirement of Farms in the Submarginal Land Area of Ohio