Volume 77, Number 3: American journal of agricultural economics
- Public Grazing in the West and "Rangeland Reform '94"
- Estimation of Australian Wool and Lamb Production Technologies Under Uncertainty: An Error Components Approach
- The Impacts of Business Cycles on Returns to Farmland Investments
- Factor Bias Under Stochastic Technical Change
- Endogenous Product Differentiation and Trade Policy: Implications for the U.S. Food Industry
- Market Effects of Cotton Integrated Pest Management
- Test-Retest Reliability of Contingent Valuation with Independent Sample Pretest and Posttest Control Groups
- Welfare Estimation Using Aggregate and Individual-Observation Models: A Comparison Using Monte Carlo Techniques
- Trade and Tax Policy Reform and the Environment; The Economics of Soil Erosion in Developing Countries
- Quality-Adjusted Price and Quantity Indices for Pesticides
- Efficiency Measurement in Swedish Dairy Farms: An Application of Rotating Panel Data, 1976-88
- Economics Education in a Workshop Setting: Agricultural Business Plan Training in an Emerging Democracy and Market Economy
- Measurement of Economic Efficiency in Pakistani Agriculture
- Assessing Technical Efficiency in Commercial Fisheries: The Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery
- Comments and Replies
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports: Comment
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports: Reply
- Proceedings
- Economic Development, Agricultural Change, and Economic Demography
- Agricultural Growth, the Status of Women, and Fertility
- Impacts of Mexico's Trade Openness on Mexican Rural Women
- Differential Human Capital Investments and the Choice of Successor in Family Farms
- Beef and Pork Packing Costs and Input Demands: Effects of Unionization and Technology
- Economic Development, Agricultural Change, and Economic Demography: Discussion
- Climate Change and Agriculture
- Climate Change and Global Agriculture: Recent Findings and Issues
- Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Agriculture
- Climate Change and Agriculture in Developing Countries
- Agricultural Impacts of Global Warming: Discussion
- Regulating Rural Banks: Risks and Rewards
- Weighing Regulatory Costs in Rural Lending
- Deregulation or Reregulation of Agricultural Banks
- Reregulating Rural Banks: Discussion
- "Don't Count Your Chickens...": Risk and Risk Shifting in the Broiler Industry
- Reregulating Rural Banks: Discussion
- Environment and Trade in General Equilibrium, Theory, Methodology, and Evidence
- Trade and the Environment: A Partial Synthesis
- Measuring the Environmental Consequences of Trade Policy: A Nonmarket CGE Analysis
- Trade Liberalization and the Environment in the Pacific Basin: Coordinated Approaches to Mexican Trade and Environment Policy
- Environment and Trade in General Equilibrium: Trade, Methodology, and Evidence: Discussion
- Employment and Poverty in Rural America
- Employment Structure and Poverty: Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Frameworks
- Poverty Among Southern Workers: Metro and Nonmetro Differentials
- Employment Structure and Poverty: Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Frameworks: Discussion
- Approximating Farm-Level Returns to Incremental Advertising Expenditure: Methods and an Application to the Australian Meat Industry
- Poverty Among Southern Workers: Discussion
- Books Reviewed
- Optimal Storage and Marketing Over Space and Time
- Aggregation, Flexible Forms, and Estimation of Food Consumption Parameters
- Production Uncertainty and Factor Price Disparity in the Slaughter Cattle Market: Theory and Evidence
- Technology Adoption Decisions Under Irreversibility and Uncertainty: An Ex Ante Approach