Volume 75, Number 3: American journal of agricultural economics
- Temporal and Spatial Aggregation: Alternative Marketing Margin Models
- Food Marketing Technology and Contingency Market Valuation
- The Impact of Technical Change, Scale Effects, and Forward Ordering on U.S. Fiber Demands
- Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in Multi-Stage Production Systems: The Case of the U.S. Beef and Pork Industries
- Impact of Modern Rice Technology on Land Prices: The Case of Lampung in Indonesia
- Growth and Structural Change in U.S. Food and Fiber Industries: An Input-Output Perspective
- Production Economics of Private Forestry: A Comparison of Industrial and Nonindustrial Forest Owners
- Quick and Easy Optimal Approach Paths for Nonlinear Natural Resource Models
- Optimal Management of Game and Forage Resources in a Private Fee-Hunting Enterprise
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports
- Consistent Estimation of Armington Demand Models
- Meatpacker Conduct in Fed Cattle Pricing: An Investigation of Oligopsony Power
- Attribute and Safety Perceptions in a Double-Hurdle Model of Shellfish Consumption
- Demand Elasticities from a Discrete Choice Model: The Natural Christmas Tree Market
- Propensity to Consume Farm Family Disposable Income from Separate Sources
- Comments and Replies
- Production, Hedging, and Speculative Decisions with Options and Futures Markets: Comment
- Production, Hedging, and Speculative Decisions with Options and Futures Markets: Reply
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies Under Price Uncertainty: Comment
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies Under Price Uncertainty: Reply
- Economic Impacts, Value Added, and Benefits in Regional Project Analysis: Comment
- Economic Impacts, Value Added, and Benefits in Regional Project Analysis: Reply
- Markdown Pricing and Cattle Supply in the Beef Packing Industry
- Proceedings
- Welfare Measurement Issues in Agriculture and Natural Resource Policy
- Hicksian vs. Marshallian Welfare Measures: Why Do We Do What We Do?
- Weak Separability in Applied Welfare Analysis
- Forthcoming Articles
- Measures of Waste Due to Quotas
- Applied Welfare Economics: Discussion
- Trade Agreements, Agriculture, and the Environment in Developing Countries
- Environment, Development, and Trade between High- and Low-Income Countries
- GATT and the Environment: Policy Research Needs
- Risk Response in the Beef Marketing Channel: A Multivariate Generalized ARCH-M Approach
- NAFTA, Agriculture, and the Environment in Mexico
- Trade Agreements, Agriculture, and the Environment in Developing Countries: Discussion
- Trade, Agriculture, and the Environment in Developing Countries: Discussion
- Prospects for Agricultural Trade under Regionalism and Multilateralism after the Uruguay Round
- Multilateralism: A Constraint on Unilateralism and Regionalism in Agricultural Trade
- Trade Regionalism: Promise and Problems
- Prospects for Agricultural Trade after the Uruguay Round: Discussion
- Prospects for Agricultural Trade after the Uruguay Round: Discussion
- Institutional Economics Revisited
- The Case for Institutional Economics
- Separability and the Shadow Value of Leisure Time
- Emerging Agricultural Institutions in the New Independent States
- Institutional Economics Revisited: Discussion
- Institutional Economics Revisited: Discussion
- Agricultural Policy Reform in Eastern Europe: A Historical Perspective
- Agrarian Reform in Eastern Europe Following World War I: Motives and Outcomes
- Agrarian Reform in Eastern Europe after World War II
- Central European Agrarian Reforms in a Historical Perspective
- Agricultural Policy Reform in Eastern Europe: Discussion
- The Historical Experience of Agricultural Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Discussion
- Book Reviews
- A Repeated Nested-Logit Model of Atlantic Salmon Fishing
- Forthcoming Articles
- A Comparison of Contingent Preference Models
- A Theoretical Foundation for Count Data Models
- A Hedonic Analysis of Herbicides: Do User Safety and Water Quality Matter?