Volume 75, Number 2: American journal of agricultural economics
- Simultaneity and Structural Change in U. S. Meat Demand
- Worker Turnover, Farm Labor Contractors, and IRCA's Impact on the California Farm Labor Market
- Defensive Technology and Welfare Analysis of Environmental Quality Change with Uncertain Consumer Health Impacts
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Two-Stage Aggregation Models of Multioutput Production Decisions
- Incorporating Stochastic Variables in Crop Response Models: Implications for Fertilization Decisions
- A Farm-Level Analysis of Economic and Agronomic Impacts of Gradual Climate Warming
- Forecasting Performance of Corn and Soybean Harvest Futures Contracts
- Hedging Production Risk with Options
- A State-Space Approach to Optimal Intertemporal Cross-Hedging
- An Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Multiple-Peril Crop Insurance
- Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance Designs for Wheat and Grain Sorghum
- Testing the Stability of Preferences: A Nonparametric Approach
- A Dynamic Model of Oligopoly in the Coffee Export Market
- Hedonic Estimation of Quality Factors Affecting the Farm-Retail Margin
- A Structural Investigation of Biotechnological Impacts on Cotton Quality and Returns
- Farm Consumption and Liquidity Constraints
- An Animated Instructional Module for Teaching Production Economics with 3-D Graphics
- Comments and Replies
- Private Property Rights and Forest Preservation in Karnataka Western Ghats, India: Comment
- Private Property Rights and Forest Preservation in Karnataka Western Ghats, India: Reply
- Errata
- Books Reviewed
- Water Markets and Water Quality
- PhD Recipients, 1992
- Forthcoming Articles (August 1993)
- The Potential for Water Market Efficiency when Instream Flows have Value
- The Silence of the Lambdas: A Test of the Almost Ideal and Rotterdam Models
- Distinguishing Between Market Participation and Infrequency-of-Purchase Models of Butter Demand
- A Test of the Equality of Close-Ended and Open-Ended Contingent Valuations
- Testing for Misspecification in the Referendum Contingent Valuation Approach
- Grain Policy in China's Villages: Yield Response to Pricing, Procurement, and Loan Policies