Volume 74, Number 3: American journal of agricultural economics
- Nonparametric Test of the Expected Utility Hypothesis
- Objectives and Constraints of Government Policy: The Countercyclicity of Transfers to Agriculture
- Economic Rents Under Supply Controls with Marketable Quota
- Welfare Effects of the National Pseudorabies Eradication Program
- On the Design of Agricultural Policy Mechanisms
- Efficient Handling of Probability Information for Decision Analysis Under Risk
- Capital Gains and After-Tax Internal Rates of Return
- Agricultural Bank Portfolio Adjustments to Risk
- Engel's Law and Linear-in-Moments Aggregation
- Flexible Demand Systems with Serially Correlated Errors: Fat and Oil Consumption in the United States
- U.S. Cigarette Consumption: The Case of Low-Income Women
- U.S. Export Subsidies in Wheat: Strategic Trade Policy or Expensive Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Tactic?
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Daily Cash Prices
- Futures Markets and Marketing Firms: The U.S. Soybean-Processing Industry
- Macroeconomic Imbalances: A Multiregional General Equilibrium Analysis
- Computer Adoption and Use by New Mexico Nonfarm Agribusinesses
- Proceedings
- Sources of Agricultural Economic Growth and Productivity
- Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture: A Posterior Perspective
- Contributions of Public and Private Science and Technology to U.S. Agricultural Productivity
- Agricultural Productivity and Sources of Growth in South Asia
- Sources of Agricultural Economic Growth and Productivity: Discussion
- Measuring the Degree of Market Power Exerted by Government Trade Agencies
- Sources of Agricultural Economic Growth and Productivity: Discussion
- Environmental Policy and GATT Negotiations: Potential for International Policy Reform
- Environmental and Agricultural Policy Linkages and Reforms in the United States under the GATT
- Potential for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Linkages and Reforms in the European Community
- Environmental Policy and GATT Negotiations: Discussion
- GATT and Environmental Policy Reform: Discussion
- The Political Economy of Agricultural Interventions
- Political Criterion Functions and the Analysis of Wealth Transfers
- Agricultural Protection in Developing Countries
- Economic Evaluation of "Sustainable Agriculture": Challenges from Agroforestry
- End-Use Performance Uncertainty and Competition in International Wheat Markets
- Not Out of the Woods Yet: Challenges for Economic Research on Agroforestry
- Resource Management by West African Farmers and the Economics of Shifting Cultivation
- On Laboring and Lobbying for Lignomics: Discussion
- Challenges from Agroforestry: Discussion
- Economic Development Strategies and African American Agriculture
- The African American Fanner: Meeting the Production, Marketing, and Policy Challenges
- African Americans in Rural Society: Needed Directions in Public Policy
- Books Reviewed
- Research Payoff from Quality Improvement: The Case of Protein in Australian Wheat
- Economic Returns to Crop Management Research in a Post-Green Revolution Setting
- A Nonparametric Analysis of the Influence of Research on Agricultural Productivity
- Environment-Specific Rates and Biases of Technical Change in Agriculture
- An Analysis of 1980s Dairy Programs and Some Policy Implications