Volume 74, Number 2: American journal of agricultural economics
- Public Policy: Explanation and Constitutional Prescription
- A State-Space Approach to Perennial Crop Supply Analysis
- Estimating Duality Models with Biased Technical Change: A Time Series Approach
- Innovations on Family Farms: The Nazareth Region in Israel
- Relationships Among Labor, Bullock, and Tractor Inputs in Pakistan Agriculture
- A Stochastic Asset Replacement Model for Rejuvenated Assets
- Computerized Analysis of Individual Sow-Herd Performance
- The Supply of Off-Farm Labor: A Random Coefficients Approach
- Testing for Disequilibrium in the Hired Farm Labor Market
- Solving Empirical Bioeconomic Models: A Rangeland Management Application
- Landowner Incorporation of Onsite Soil Erosion Costs: The Conservation Reserve Program
- The International Effects of U.S. Farm Subsidies
- A Selectivity Model of Household Food Marketing Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa
- At-Home Consumption of Cheese: A Purchase-Infrequency Model
- Toward a More Comprehensive Theory of Food Labels
- Evaluating the Integration of Contiguous, Discontinuous Markets
- Inter-Firm Differences Between Fed Cattle Prices in the Southern Plains
- Information Preferences of Ohio Commercial Fanners: Implications for Extension
- Erratum
- Comment
- The Application and Economic Interpretation of Selectivity Models: Comment
- Books Reviewed
- Agricultural Trade Liberalization and the Low Income Countries: A General Equilibrium-Multimarket Approach
- Ph.D. Recipients, 1991
- Market Interventions, International Price Stabilization, and Welfare Implications
- The Market for Land and the Impact of Farm Programs on Farm Numbers
- Taxes, Farm Programs, and Competitive Advantage for U.S. and Canadian Farmers: A Case Study
- Effects of Government Programs on Rice Acreage Decisions Under Rational Expectations: The Case of Taiwan
- Supply, Demand, and Effects of Alternative Policies on the U.S. Oats Industry
- Dynamic Measures of Scope and Scale Economies: An Application to German Agriculture