Volume 74, Number 1: American journal of agricultural economics
- Aggregate Sources of Relative Price Variability among Agricultural Commodities
- Cash Crop Production, Food Price Volatility, and Rural Market Integration in the Third World
- Testing Hypotheses of Functional Structure: Rules for Determining Flexibility of Restricted Production Models
- Another Look at Returns to Agricultural and Nonagricultural Assets
- Separability in State-Level Agricultural Technology
- The Transition of Punjab Agriculture: A Choice of Technique Approach
- Effects of Irrigation-Induced Technical Change in Bangladesh Rice Production
- Damage Control Econometrics: Functional Specification and Pesticide Productivity
- Impact of Damage Control and Quality of Output: Estimating Pest Control Effectiveness
- Nonparametric Measures of Scale and Technical Change for Competitive Firms Under Uncertainty
- Material Productivity in Food Manufacturing
- A Multimarket Bounded Price Variation Model Under Rational Expectations: Corn and Soybeans in the United States
- Supply Response with Implicit Revenue Functions: A Policy-Switching Procedure for Rice
- Effect of Stock Size and Regulations of Fishing Industry Cost and Structure: The Surf Clam Industry
- Qualitative Forecast Evaluation: A Comparison of Two Performance Measures
- Earnings of Kansas State University Agriculture Graduates: 1978-88
- Errata
- Comment and Reply
- Political Preference Functions and Public Policy Reform: Comment
- Political Preference Functions and Public Policy Reform: Reply
- Books Reviewed
- Industry Members and Representatives-1991
- The Welfare Effects of Deregulating Producer Prices
- Productive and Predatory Public Policies: Research Expenditures and Producer Subsidies in Agriculture
- Sectoral Implications of Farm Program Modifications
- The Implicit Value of Corn Base Acreage
- Redistributing Income Back to European Community Consumers and Taxpayers through the Common Agricultural Policy
- Pesticides and Worker Safety
- Preserving Waterfowl Habitat on the Canadian Prairies: Economic Incentives versus Moral Suasion