Volume 72, Number 5: American journal of agricultural economics
- Fellows, 1957-90
- Access to Capital and Its Impact on Agrarian Structure and Productivity in Kenya
- The Relationship Between Credit and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture: A Microeconomic Model of Disequilibrium
- Analyzing the Farm-Level Impact of Agricultural Credit: Discussion
- Human Capital, Economic Development, and the Rural Poor
- Rural Poverty Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities
- The Impacts of Structural Change and Public Policy on the Rural Disadvantaged
- Human Capital, Economic Development, and the Rural Poor: Discussion
- Human Capital, Economic Development, and the Rural Poor: Discussion
- The Impacts and Efficiency of Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfers
- Transactions Costs and Efficiency in Western Water Allocation
- Presidents, 1910-91
- Socioeconomic Impacts of Water Farming on Rural Areas of Origin in Arizona
- The Economic Impacts of Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfers on the Area of Origin: A Case Study of the Arkansas River Valley in Colorado
- The Impacts and Efficiency of Agriculture-to-urban Water Transfers: Discussion
- The Impacts and Efficiency of Agriculture-to-urban Water Transfer: Discussion
- Methodological and Empirical Challenges in Analyzing Structural Change in U.S. Food Systems
- Economics of Consolidation in the Beef Sector: Research Challenges
- Empirical Challenges in Analyzing Market Performance in the U.S. Food System
- Measuring Market Power in Food Processing Industries: Discussion
- Structural Change in Food Systems: Discussion
- Agricultural Adjustment in Eastern Europe: Implications from the Structural Adjustment Experience in the Developing World
- General Sessions
- Agricultural Changes n Eastern Europe at the Beginning of the 1990s
- Agricultural Reform in Developing Countries: Reflections for Eastern Europe
- Implications of the Structural Adjustment Experience in the Developing World for Eastern Europe: Discussion
- Lessons Learned in Structural Adjustment Lending in the Developing World and Implications for Eastern Europe: Discussion
- Arresting Renewable Resource Degradation in the Third World
- Resource Degradation in Africa and Latin America: Population Pressure, Policies, and Property Arrangements
- Resource Policy Reform in the Context of Population Pressure: The Philippines and Nepal
- Natural Resource Management in the Third World: A Policy and Research Agenda
- Arresting Renewable Resource Degradation in the Third World: Discussion
- Arresting Renewable Resource Degradation in the Third World: Discussion
- Structural Change and the Recognition of Diversity
- International Competitiveness: Usefulness of Cost of Production and Productivity Measures in Evaluation
- Cost of Production and Productivity in Analyzing Trade and Competitiveness
- Usefulness and Limitations of COP Estimates for Evaluating International Competitiveness: A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. Wheat
- International Comparisons of Agricultural Productivity: Development and Usefulness
- European Community Experience in Costs of Producing Wheat
- Food Insecurity
- Optimal Control of Food Insecurity: A Conceptual Framework
- Measuring Food Security in Africa: Conceptual, Empirical and Policy Issues
- Poverty, Food Intake and Malnutrition: Implications for Food Security in Developing Countries
- Food Insecurity: Discussion
- Agon and Ag EC: Styles of Persuasion in Agricultural Economics
- Abstracts
- Symposia
- Selected Papers
- Posters
- Award-Winning Theses
- First-Place Undergraduate Paper
- Computer Adoption Decisions- Implications for Research and Extension: The Case of Texas Rice Producers
- Abstracts of Second- and Third-Place Undergraduate Papers
- AAEA Business
- Committee Reports
- Reflections on Poverty
- Minutes
- Index to Volume 72
- Invited Paper Sessions
- Analyzing the Farm-Level Impact of Agricultural Credit
- Rural Credit and the Mix Between Permanent and Temporary Wage Labor Contracts in Pernambuco, Brazil