Volume 72, Number 2: American journal of agricultural economics
- Preferences of Citizens for Agricultural Policies: Evidence from a National Survey
- Orderly Marketing for Lemons: Who Benefits
- The Strategic Role of Supermarket Buyer Intermediaries in New Product Selection: Implications for System-Wide Efficiency
- Simulation Modeling to Set Priorities for Research on Oyster Production
- Optimal Scheduling in Shrimp Mariculture: A Stochastic Growing Inventory Problem
- Informational Efficiency of Markets for Stumpage
- Bootstrapping in Applied Welfare Analysis
- Signals or Noise? Explaining the Variation in Recreation Benefit Estimate
- Theoretical and Empirical Advantages of Truncated Count Data Estimator Analysis of Deer Hunting in California
- Elasticities in AIDS Models
- The Demand for Cigarettes in Japan
- A Policy Analysis of China's Wheat Economy
- Quasi-Experimental Price Elasticity of Liquor Demand in the United States: 1960-83
- Whither Armington Trade Models?
- The Elasticity of Export Demand for U.S. Cotton
- Alternative Estimates of Fed Beef Supply Response to Risk
- Comments and Replies
- Profit, Supply, and Factor Demand Functions: Comment
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Comment
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Reply
- Separability Testing in Production Economics: Comment
- Books Reviewed
- Argentine Agricultural Policy in a Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Framework
- Ph.D. Recipients by Subject, 1989
- Ph.D. Recipients by Institutions, 1989
- European Community Enlargement: Impact on U.S. Corn and Soybean Exports
- An Adjustment-Cost Rationalization of Asset Fixity Theory
- Fanners' Marginal Propensity to Consume: An Application to Illinois Grain Farms
- The Effect of Usage and Size on Tractor Depreciation
- A Prospective Assessment of the Impacts of Bovine Somatotropin: A Case Study of Wisconsin
- The Decision to Double Crop: An Application of Expected Utility Using Stein's Theorem