Volume 72, Number 1: American journal of agricultural economics
- Farming the Tax Code: The Impact of High Marginal Tax Rates on Agricultural Tax Shelters
- Valuing Trade-offs between Net Returns and Stewardship Practices: The Case of Soil Conservation in Saskatchewan
- Rural Road Abandonment: Policy Criteria and Empirical Analysis
- Using the Wrong Discount Rate to Allocate an Exhaustible Resource
- On the Political Economy of Public Good Inputs in Agriculture
- A Game-Theoretic Model of Endogenous Public Policies
- Some Neglected Social Costs of Government Spending in Farm Programs
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies Under Price Uncertainty
- Monetary Impacts on Prices in the Short and Long Run: Some Evidence from New Zealand
- Risk Analysis of Tillage Alternatives with Government Programs
- Agricultural Production Technologies with Systematic and Stochastic Technical Change
- Temporal Analysis of Income Earned by Former Agriculture Students
- Input Allocation in Multicrop Systems
- Two Practical Procedures for Estimating Multivariate Nonnormal Probability Density Functions
- Impact of the WIC Program on Food Expenditures
- Testing for Structural Change: The Demand for Meat
- Comment and Reply
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods: Comment
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods: Reply
- Books Reviewed
- Industry Members and Representatives
- The Effects of State Farm Relief Legislation on Private Lenders and Borrowers: The Experience of the 1930s
- Utilization, Profitability, and the Adoption of Animal Draft Power in West Africa
- Integration of Spatial Markets
- The Value of Weather Information in Market Equilibrium
- Calibration of Option-Based Probability Assessments in Agricultural Commodity Markets
- The Reaction of Live Hog Futures Prices to USDA Hogs and Pigs Reports
- A Simulation Model of the U.S. Export Enhancement Program for Wheat