Volume 70, Number 4: American journal of agricultural economics
- The Grain Sector of the European Community: Policy Formation, Price Determination, and Implications for Trade
- Applying Mixed Estimation in Econometric Research
- Marginal Analysis of Welfare Costs of Environmental Policies: The Case of Pesticide Regulation
- The Effects of Job-Site Sanitation and Living Conditions on the Health and Welfare of Agricultural Workers
- The Effects of Supply Shifts on Producers' Surplus
- The Reliability of Estimates of Environmental Benefits from Recreation Demand Models
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods
- Producer Attitudes toward Peanut Market Alternatives: An Application of Multivariate Probit Joint Estimation
- The Effects of the Dairy Termination Program on Live Cattle and Wholesale Beef Prices
- Performance of the Weekly Gulf-Kansas City Hard-Red Winter Wheat Basis
- Comments and Replies
- Rationing and Adjustment in the Market for Tenancies: The Behavior of Landowning Households in Thanjavur District
- Investment and Disinvestment Principles with Nonconstant Prices and Varying Firm Size Applied to Beef-Breeding Herds: Comment
- Investment and Disinvestment Principles with Nonconstant Prices and Varying Firm Size Applied to Beef Breeding Herds: Reply
- The EEC's Wheat Trade Policies and International Trade in Differentiated Products: Comment
- Producer-Consumer Trade-Offs in Export Cartels: The Wheat Cartel Case: Comment
- Producer-Consumer Trade-Offs in Export Cartels: The Wheat Cartel Case: Reply
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Jointness in Agricultural Production: Implications for Economic Modeling: Comment
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Jointness in Agricultural Production: Implications for Economic Modeling: Reply
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture: Comment
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture: Reply
- Books Reviewed
- Computer Use in Agriculture: Evidence from Tulare County, California
- Necrology
- Farmers' Choice of Fixed and Adjustable Interest Rate Loans
- Modeling Supply Response in a Multiproduct Framework
- Aggregation of Inputs Under Risk
- Systematic and Nonsystematic Risk in Farm Portfolio Selection
- Dynamic Adjustment in the U.S. Dairy Industry
- Welfare Comparisons of U.S. Dairy Policies with and without Mandatory Supply Control