Volume 70, Number 2: American journal of agricultural economics
- The Demand for Dairy Products: Structure, Prediction, and Decomposition
- Tax Policy and U.S. Agriculture: A General Equilibrium Analysis
- A Nonparametic Analysis of Agricultural Technology
- A Nonparametric Investigation of Agricultural Production Behavior for U.S. Subregions
- A Model of Production with Supply Management for the Canadian Agricultural Sector
- Multiproduct Supply and Input Demand in U.S. Agriculture
- Education, Experience, and Allocative Efficiency: A Dual Approach
- The Effects of Suburbanization on Agriculture
- Arbitrage Pricing, Capital Asset Pricing, and Agricultural Assets
- The Biological Control of Cassava Mealybug in Africa
- Use of Dichotomous Choice Nonmarket Methods to Value the Whooping Crane Resource
- Generic Fluid Milk Advertising, Demand Expansion, and Supply Response: The Case of New York City
- Economic Optimization of a Growth Trajectory for Broilers
- Objective Function Approximation: An Application to Spatial Price Equilibrium Models
- Approximating Linear Programs with Summary Functions: Pseudodata with an Infinite Sample
- Ranking of Agricultural Economics Departments: Influence of Regional Journals, Joint Authorship, and Self-Citations
- Comments and Replies
- Reducing Moral Hazard Associated with Implied Warranties of Animal Health: Comment
- Reducing Moral Hazard Associated with Implied Warranties of Animal Health: Reply
- A Note on Qualitative Forecast Evaluation: Comment
- Proceedings
- Private Agricultural Markets in a Socialist Economy
- Chickens, Eggs, and Causality or Which Came First
- Soviet Union: The Anomaly of Private-cum-Socialist Agriculture
- People's Republic of China: Systematic and Structural Change in a North China Township
- Indirect and Direct Taxation of Agriculture in Sudan: The Role of Government in Agricultural Surplus Extraction
- Soviet Union: The Anomaly of Private-Cum-Socialist Agriculture: Discussion
- People's Republic of China: Systematic and Structural Change in a North China Township: Discussion
- Indirect and Direct Taxation of Agriculture in Sudan: The Role of Government in Agricultural Surplus Extraction: Discussion
- New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research
- Evaluating Individuals' Welfare Gains: Is Theory a Cookbook for Empirical Analysis?
- Making Economic Welfare Analysis Useful in the Policy Process: Implications of the Public Choice Literature
- Social Welfare and Interpersonal Utility Comparisons in Applied Policy Research
- Food Processor Price Behavior: Firm-Level Evidence of Sticky Prices
- New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research: Discussion
- New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research
- Conceptualization of Research Problems in Agribusiness
- Assessing Opportunities in Food and Fiber Processing and Distribution
- Industrial Organization: Some Applications for Managerial Decisions
- The Design and Implementation of Strategic Management Information Systems
- Assessing Opportunities in Food and Fiber Processing and Distribution: Discussion
- Industrial Organization: Some Applications for Managerial Decisions: Discussion
- The Design and Impact of Strategic Management Information Systems: Discussion
- Books Reviewed
- Input Substitution and the Distribution of Surplus Gains from Lower U.S. Beef-Processing Costs
- Ph.D. Recipients by Subject, 1987
- Ph.D. Recipients by Institution, 1987
- The Value of Ideal Contingency Markets in Agriculture
- Hedging Under Output Price Randomness
- Intermediation Costs in an Agricultural Development Bank: A Cost-Function Approach to Measuring Scale Economies
- Market Distortions and Benefits from Research