Volume 70, Number 1: American journal of agricultural economics
- Government Decision Making and Program Performance: The Case of the Conservation Reserve Program
- Labor Market Dynamics in the U.S. Food Sector
- Dynamic Corn Supply Functions: A Model with Explicit Optimization
- A Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Tillage and Crop Insurance Practices in a Semiarid Region
- Stochastic Modeling of Short-Term Cattle Operations
- Long-Run Comparative Statics Under Output and Land Price Uncertainty
- Separability Testing in Production Economics
- Agricultural Product Supplies and Input Demands: Regional Comparisons
- Pricing Efficiency in the Live Cattle Futures Market: Further Interpretation and Measurement
- Determinants of the Intrahousehold Allocation of Food in the Rural Philippines
- Food Aid Impacts in Rural Kenya
- Attitudes and Farmer Conservation Behavior
- Comment and Reply
- Risk Analysis with Single-Index Portfolio Models: An Application to Farm Planning: Comment
- Risk Analysis with Single-Index Portfolio Models: An Application to Farm Planning: Reply
- Books Reviewed
- Industry Members and Representatives, 1987
- Welfare Measurements Using Contingent Valuation: A Comparison of Techniques
- Selection and Recreation Demand
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Optimal Timing of Harvest for the North Carolina Bay Scallop Fishery
- An Organonic and Modern Problems Approach for Teaching Agricultural Economics Principles
- The Effects of Affiliation with Large Bank Holding Companies on Commercial Bank Lending to Agriculture
- Chance-Constrained Financing as a Response to Financial Risk