Volume 66, Number 5: American journal of agricultural economics
- Fellows, 1957-84
- Invited Paper Sessions
- Index to Volume 66
- Toward the 21st Century; U.S. Agriculture in an Unstable World Economy
- An Assessment of Global Demand for U.S. Agricultural Products to the Year 2000: Economic and Policy Dimensions
- The Future Productive Capacity of U.S. Agriculture: Economic, Technological, Resource, and Institutional Determinants
- U.S. Public Policies and Institutions in an Unstable Future
- Toward the 21st Century; U.S. Agriculture in an Unstable World Economy: Discussion
- Toward the 21st Century; U.S. Agriculture in an Unstable World Economy: Discussion
- Credit Policy Risk and Interest Rate Risk in Agricultural Finance
- Agency Status for the Cooperative Farm Credit System
- Floating versus Fixed-Rate Loans in Agriculture; Effects on Borrowers, Lenders, and the Agricultural Sector
- Presidents, 1910-85
- Financial Futures; A Useful Tool for Transferring Interest Rate Risk Away from Farm Borrowers or Lenders
- Agency Status for the Cooperative Farm Credit System: Discussion
- Credit Policy Risk and Interest Rate Risk in Agricultural Finance: Discussion
- Evaluation of Technologies with Implications for Resource Use and Environmental Quality
- Econometric Evaluation of New Technology with an Application to Integrated Pest Management
- Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture
- Econometric Evaluation of New Technology with an Application to Integrated Pest Management: Discussion
- Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture: Discussion
- Consequences of Transportation Regulatory Reform on Agriculture and Rural Areas
- Some Impacts of Rail Regulatory Changes on Grain Industries
- General Sessions
- Perishables-The New Intermodal Battleground
- Motor Carrier Service to Rural and Agricultural Shipper/Receivers in Regulated and Unregulated Economic Environments
- Consequences of Transportation Regulatory Reform on Agriculture and Rural Areas: Discussion
- Accelerating Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
- A Structural View of Policy Issues in African Agricultural Development
- Increasing Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Environmental Problems and Inadequate Technological Solutions
- The Role of Risk in an Agriculturally Led Strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Accelerating Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Discussion
- Effects of Economic Policy on Rural Banks and Rural Communities
- The Impact of Institutional Change in the Financial Services Industry on Capital Markets in Rural Virginia
- Agricultural Effects of Changes in Financial Markets
- Elements of a Paradigm for Rural Development
- Elements of a Paradigm for Rural Development: Discussion
- Effects of Economic Policy on Rural Banks and Rural Communities: Discussion
- The Value of Information in Risky Markets
- Pricing Efficiency and Information Use in Risky Markets
- The Value of a Rational Expectations Forecast in a Risky Market; A Theoretical and Empirical Approach
- The Value of a Rational Expectations Forecast in a Risky Market: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach
- The Value of Information in Risky Markets: Discussion
- The Value of Information in Risky Markets: Discussion
- Domestic Agricultural Policy in an International Environment
- Social Science Knowledge and Institutional Change
- International Impact of U.S. Domestic Farm Policy
- Domestic Agricultural Policy in an International Environment: Effects of Other Countries' Policies on the United States
- Determinants of Farmland Prices; Impacts of Location, Soil Characteristics, and Government Credit Programs
- Implicit Prices of Soil Characteristics for Farmland in Iowa
- Impacts of Consumptive Demand on Rural Land Values
- Subsidized Credit and Investment in Agriculture; The Special Case of Farm Real Estate
- Subsidized Credit and Investment in Agriculture; The Special Case of Farm Real Estate: Discussion
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now
- Price Discrimination or Price Stabilization; Debating with Models of U.S. Dairy Policy
- Do Changes in Farmer-First Handler Exchange Eliminate the Need for Government Intervention?
- Commodity Prices and Money: Lessons from International Finance
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion
- Reexamining Problems, Theories, and Methods in Agricultural Economics Research
- The Mainstream in Agricultural Economics Research
- Retooling the Mainstream: Discussion
- Rethinking the Mainstream: Discussion
- Emerging Property Rights Issues in Resource Economics
- Fairness in Land Ownership
- Strategic Independence in Models of Property Rights
- Farm Policy-The 1985 Farm Bill
- Alternative Views of Property Rights: Implications for Agricultural Use of Natural Resources
- Emerging Property Rights Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion
- Emerging Property Rights Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion
- The Microdynamics of Structural Changes in Agriculture: Views of Economics, Anthropology, and Sociology
- The Microdynamics of Farm Structural Change in North America: The Canadian Experience and Canada-U.S.A. Comparisons
- Microdynamics of Contraction Decisions: A Cognitive Approach to Structural Change
- Microdynamics of Debt, Drought, and Default in South Georgia
- The Microdynamics of Structural Change in Agriculture: Discussion
- The Microdynamics of Structural Change in Agriculture: Discussion
- Implications of Electronic Marketing for Agriculture
- International Trade Environment for Food and Agriculture in the Late 1980s
- Electronic Marketing in Principle and Practice
- Implications of Electronic Trading for Agricultural Prices
- Implications of Electronic Trading for the Structure of Agricultural Markets
- Implications of Electronic Trading for Agriculture: Discussion
- Implications of Electronic Marketing for Agriculture: Discussion
- Renewable Resource Management in Developing Country Agriculture
- The Village Against the Center: Resource Depletion in South Asia
- Traditional Agricultural Knowledge: Past Performance, Future Prospects, and Institutional Implications
- Remedying Third World Soil Erosion Problems
- Renewable Resource Management in Developing Country Agriculture: Discussion
- Agricultural Structural Issues and Policy Alternatives for the late 1980s
- Abstracts
- Symposia
- Selected Papers
- Award-Winning Theses
- Undergraduate Papers and Abstracts
- Lumber Futures Price Expectations and Short-Run Production Adjustments in the Softwood Lumber Industry
- Abstracts of Second- and Third-Place Papers
- AAEA Business
- Reports
- Minutes