Volume 60, Number 5: American journal of agricultural economics
- AAEA Fellows and Presidents
- Consumers and Food Policy in North America
- Discussion: North American Food and Agricultural Policy: Conflict and Cooperation
- Specific Sessions
- Can Human Nutrition Be the Leading Goal for Food and Agricultural Policies?
- What Is Known of Human Nutritional Needs?
- Human Nutrition and Health
- Nutrition Policies, Programs, and Politics
- Can Human Nutrition Be the Leading Goal for Food and Agricultural Policies?
- Small Farms: Effective Contributors to Economic Development
- Farming Systems Research to Improve the Livelihood of Small Farmers
- Fellows, 1958-78
- Farming Systems Research to Improve the Livelihood of Small Farmers: Discussion
- Aspects of Rural Labor Market Operation: A Japanese Case Study
- Aspects of Rural Labor Market Operation: A Japanese Case Study: Discussion
- Improving Managerial Capabilities of Limited Resource Farmers
- Improving Managerial Capabilities of Limited Resource Farmers: Discussion
- The Impact of Public Policy on the Control of Agricultural Resources
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Production
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Production: Discussion
- The Control of Agricultural Processing and Distribution
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Processing and Distribution: Discussion
- Presidents, 1910-79
- Recent Policy Changes in Selected Countries
- India- A Drive Towards Self-Sufficiency in Food Grains
- Import Substitution and Implicit Taxation of Agriculture in Brazil
- Chinese Agriculture: Continued Self-Reliance
- Impact of Marketing Boards on Market Performance
- The Role of Marketing Boards
- Public Intervention and Producer Supply Response
- Public Intervention and Producer Supply Response: Discussion
- Effects of Marketing Boards on the Agribusiness Sector
- Effects of Marketing Boards on the Agribusiness Sector: Discussion
- General Sessions
- The Development of the Economics of Information: Implications for Extension and Research
- Developments in the Economic Theory of Information
- Developments in the Economic Theory of Information: Discussion
- The Developing Technology of Computerized Information Systems
- The Developing Technology of Computerized Information Systems: Discussion
- Interfacing Research and Extension in Information Delivery Systems
- Interfacing Research and Extension in Information Delivery Systems: Discussion
- Consequences of Acreage Limitation and Other Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law
- Economies of Size and the 160-Acre Limitation: Fact and Fancy
- Reclamation Policy and the Water Subsidy: An Analysis of the Distributional Consequences of Emerging Policy Choices
- Perspective on Farm Size
- Demographic, Economic, and Fiscal Impacts of Alternative Westlands Reclamation Act Enforcement Scenario
- Consequences of Acreage Limitation and Other Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law: Discussion
- Consequences of Acreage Limitation and Other Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law: Discussion
- Viability of Rural Communities
- Rural Development Planning: A Science?
- Rural Industrialization and the Changing Distribution of Family Incomes
- The Incremental Nature of Public Service Delivery: Implications for Rural Areas
- Viability of Rural Communities: Discussion
- Assessing and Projecting the Effects of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technology
- Returns to Agricultural Research and Extension Programs: An Ex-Ante Approach
- Some Forces Affecting the Changing Structure, Organization, and Control of American Agriculture
- Assessing Returns to Agricultural Extension
- Projecting Agricultural Productivity and Its Economic Impact
- Assessing and Projecting the Effects of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technology: Discussion
- Assessing and Projecting the Effects of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technology: Discussion
- Innovations in Undergraduate and Extension Teaching
- Innovations in Teaching: An Introduction
- Simulation and Gaming Models: Application in Teaching and Extension Programs
- Designing an Instructional Package: The Use of Probabilities in Farm Decision Making
- Field Experience in Public Affairs Management: The Michigan State University Approach
- Innovations in Undergraduate and Extension Teaching: Discussion
- Institutional Economics and Political Economy Revisited: Some Implications for Agricultural Economics
- Issues in Marine Resource Value and Capacity Measurement
- Concepts of Value for Marine Recreational Fishing
- The Role of Economic Models in Evaluating Commercial Fishery Resources
- Theoretical and Empirical Considerations for Estimating Capacity and Capacity Utilization in Commercial Fisheries
- Seafood Processing Capacity in Commercial Fisheries Management: Discussion
- Seafood Processing Capacity in Commercial Fisheries Management: Discussion
- Implications of Regional Agricultural Policies to Canada
- The Regional Consequences of the Canadian Tariff Structure
- The Regional Consequences of the Canadian Tariff Structure: Discussion
- Regional Policies for Agriculture: The Effects and the Future
- The Changing Organization, Structure, and Control of Canadian Agriculture
- Regional Policies for Agriculture: The Effects and the Future: Discussion
- The Development of a Food and Agriculture Policy in Quebec
- The Development of a Food and Agriculture Policy in Quebec: Discussion
- Abstracts
- Symposia
- Contributed Papers
- Award-Winning Theses
- AAEA Business
- Committee Reports
- Minutes
- Agriculture Loses Its Uniqueness
- Index to Volume 60