Volume 57, Number 1: American journal of agricultural economics
- Efficiency and Equity in Public Research: Rice Breeding in Japan's Economic Development
- Weight Loss of Fed Steers during Marketing
- Effect of a Controlled Price Increase on School Lunch Participation: Pittsburgh
- Measuring Farmers' Trade-Offs between Expected Income and Focus-Loss Income
- Notes
- The Substitution of Technology for Nature: The Case of Recreation
- The Price and Income Elasticities of Home Consumption and Marketed Surplus of Foodgrains
- The Price Responsiveness of Primary Producers: A Relative Supply Approach
- Reservation and Market Demands for Sweet Potatoes at the Farm Level
- A Production Function Model for Aggregate Time-Series Data
- Significance Tests of Regression Coefficients: An Additional Reminder
- The Social Profitability of Subsidies for Agricultural Exports: The Case of Ghana
- Real Property Taxes and Farm Real Estate Values: Incidence and Implications: Comment
- Efficiency and Equity in Natural Resource and Environmental Policy: Comment
- A Practical Way to Select an Optimum Farm Plan under Risk: Comment
- Multi-Frequency Cobweb Model: Decomposition of the Hog Cycle: Comment
- The Exchange Rate and U.S. Agriculture: Comment
- Reply
- Information, Power and Academic Responsibility: Comment
- Reply
- On the Issue of Membership in the AAEA
- A Note from the Editor
- Improving Estimates of Economic Parameters by Use of Ridge Regression with Production Function Applications
- Publications
- Books Reviewed
- Books Received
- News
- Announcements
- Personnel
- Obituaries
- Institutional Members
- Internalizing Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution Externalities: A Case Study
- Economic Criteria for Freshwater Wetland Policy in Massachusetts
- Employment Impacts of the Economic Development Administration's Public Works Program
- A Spatial and Temporal Model of the North American Pork Sector for the Evaluation of Policy Alternatives
- Impact of Alternative Class I Pricing Systems on Fluid Milk Prices
- Estimating a Theoretical Contract Curve between Vertical Stages in the Illinois Grain Industry