Volume 53, Number 1: American journal of agricultural economics
- Flow-of-Funds Social Accounts for the Farm Sector
- Formulating Beef Rations for Improved Performance Under Environmental Stress
- The Regional Impact of Lamb Imports on Equilibrium Returns to Domestic Producers, 1967
- Research Notes
- Comparative Investment Per Worker in Agriculture and Manufacturing Sectors of the Economy
- Nonfarm Income Earned by Commercial Farm Operators in Central Illinois
- Feed Formulation for Least Cost of Gain
- On the Definition of the Economic Region of the Production Function
- On the Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand
- A Modified Adaptive Expectations Model
- Effects of Misspecifications of Log-Linear Functions When Sample Values are Zero or Negative
- Needed Redirections in Economic Analysis for Agricultural Development Policy
- A Model for Agricultural Policy: An Addendum
- Returns to Human and Research Capital in the Non-South Agricultural Sector of the United States, 1949-1964
- Communications
- "Modernization Effect" Upon Exports of Agricultural Produce: South Korea: Comment
- Reply
- A Method for Analyzing the Effect of Taxes and Financing on Investment Decisions: Comment
- Reply
- Relevance�Where Do You Find It?
- Irrelevance Is Where You Find It: Comment
- Reply
- Optimal Sizes of Farms Under Varying Tenure Forms, Including Renting, Ownership, State, and Collective Structures
- Is There a Better Way to Choose a President?
- FAO-U.S. Training Center in Census and Sample Survey Procedures
- Book Reviews
- Books Received
- Announcements
- News Notes
- Obituaries
- List of Sustaining Members
- Allocative Efficiency, Traditional Agriculture, and Risk
- Economic Analysis of Irrigation in Subhumid Climate
- The Team Approach and Extension Economics
- A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semivariance Programming for Farm Planning Under Uncertainty
- A Simultaneous-Equation Model of Spatial Equilibrium and Its Application to the Broiler Markets
- From Hedging to Pure Speculation: A Micro Model of Optimal Futures and Cash Market Positions