Volume 51, Number 5: American journal of agricultural economics
- Henry CHarles Taylor, 1873-1969
- Concepts of Finance Capital for a Capital-Using Agriculture
- Discussion: Role of Transportation in Agricultural Marketing and Development
- Conglomerate Trends in Business Structure
- Factors Underlying Business Interest in Conglomerate Mergers
- Firm Conglomeration as a Market Structure Variable
- Conglomerates: Economic Conduct and Performance
- Vignettes: Tools for Policy
- Pricing Milk in Federal Order Markets
- The Pure Theory of Government Aid to Agriculture
- Effects of Public Programs for Outdoor Recreation on Personal Income Distribution
- Government Payments and the Distribution of Income in Agriculture
- National Labor Relations Legislation: Possible Impact on American Agriculture
- Long-Term Versus Short-Tcrm Land Retirement
- Tools of Our Trade: Farm Management
- Returns to Farm Resources
- Application of the Financial Management Function in the Family Size Farm
- Income Tax Planning tor Farmers
- Vignettes: Rural Development, Demography
- General Hospital Facilities in Michigan, 1965
- Local School Expenditures and Educational Quality: A Correlation Analysis
- The Farm Poor: Counted, Miscounted, or Discounted?
- Propensities to Invest in Schooling in the South and Non-South
- Toward Better Undergraduate Teaching
- Vignettes: Teaching, Curriculum, Research
- A View from the Middle Ground
- At a Crossroad: Graduate Teaching in Agricultural Economics
- Institution Building: Training Gap in Economic and Agricultural Development
- Involvement in Undergraduate Education
- Vignettes: Natural Resources, Foreign Trade, and Economic Development
- Using Local Comprehensive Planning to Control Lakewater Pollution in Seasonal Home Communities
- The Cost of Food Aid to Recipient Countries
- Projecting Hydrologic and Economic Interrelationships in Groundwater Basin Management
- "Solid Wastes"�A Resource?
- Can Better Teaching Be Learned?
- Educational Institutiona in Today's World
- Mission of Higher Educational Institutions in Today's World
- Social Science Needs in Agriculture and Natural Resources Curricula�The CEANAR Report
- The Meaning to Research and Extension
- Agriculture in the Economy of the Future
- On Institutional Obsolescense and Innovation
- I See It Differently
- Institutional Engineering�Venture into Applied Behavioral Science
- First Award Paper in the Undergraduate Student Essay Contest
- Consumer Preference for "Imitation" Milk Beverages
- Toward Better Undergraduate Teaching
- AAEA Reports and Minutes
- Amendment of Bylaws to Provide Student Section
- Format of the 1970 Annual Meeting
- Index to Volume 51
- American Agricultural Economics Association Past Presidents
- Better Teaching--Some Curricular Aspects
- Inter-University Collaboration in Undergraduate Teaching
- Experiences in Rural Economic Development
- Problems that Persist in the Great Plains
- Rural Areas in the Urban Economy
- Fellows of the American Agricultural Economics Association
- Vignettes: Tools of Our Trade
- Marketing, Price, and the Theory of Communication
- Concentration in Farming and Transition Bias
- Computer Simulation of the Substitution Between Project Size and Management
- An Economic Model for Determining Cotton Allotments and Prices to Maximize Net Farm Income
- VIgnettes: Price Analysis and Marketing
- Effect of Merchandising Methods on Prices Paid at Cooperative Feeder Cattle Sales
- Allocation of Florida Orange Production Among Alternative Product Forms and Market Sectors
- Criteria for Defining Federal Milk Order Market Areas
- Price Discrimination in the Food Industry: A Competitive Stimulant or Tranquilizer
- Presidential Address
- Consumer Attitudes Toward Milk Substitutes
- Hidden Consumer Motives in Supermarket Selection
- Vignettes: Production Economics and Farm Management
- A Decision Model for Continuous Sequence Production Processes of Variable Length: An Application to Hog Marketing
- A Game Theoretic Model for Farm Planning Under Uncertainty
- Application of Linear Programming to Individual Farm Planning
- Farm Capital and Credit Projections to 1980
- A Method for Analyzing the Effect of Taxes and Financing on Investment Decisions
- Economics of Environmental Control
- Economic Issues in Controlling Agricultural Pollution
- The Economics of Agricultural Economics
- Environmental Effects of Rural Land Use
- Externalities in Pesticide Use
- Vignettes: Tools of Our Trade- Data Sources
- A Rural Economic Indicator System
- Farm Panels as a Source of Farm Management Data: The Cornell Producer Panel
- Farm Panels as a Source of Farm Management Data: The Ohio Plan
- Response Problems in Probability Sampling
- Vignettes: Demonstrations
- Trials, Errors, and Successes in Agribusiness Education at Purdue
- The Illinois Agricultuial Industries Forum
- A Future for "Agricultural Economics"?
- Extension Transportation Programs to Improve Marketing Efficiency
- Education ror Institutional Food Service�On Wheels
- Vignettes: Policy- Payment Limitations
- Payment Limitation: Effect on Supply Adjustment and Income Distribution
- Payment Limitations: The Economic and Political Feasibility
- Payment Limitation: Pros and Cons as Seen by Farm Organizations
- Vignettes: Empirical Studies
- Consumer Knowledge for Sovereignty: Apples
- Louisville Produce Terminal: Its Changing Trends and Potentials, 1966-1975
- The Economic Feasibility of an Integrated Broiler Operation
- Invited Lecture
- Showing a Retailer that Meat Sanitation Pays�An Economic Approach
- Organization of Agriculture
- Variants and Invariants in Comparative Agricultural Systems
- Economies and Diseconomies of Large-Scale Agriculture
- Discussion: The Organization of Agriculture
- Discussion: The Organization of Agriculture
- The Organization of Agriculture: An Epilogue
- Economics of Resource Use for Development
- Resource Endowments and Technological Change in Agriculture: U.S. and Japanese Experiences in International Perspective
- Natural Resources and Growth: Towards a Non-Marginal Political Economics
- Some Problems of Agricultural Development
- Natural Resources in Economic Growth: The Role of Institutions and Policies
- Policy and Non-Policy in Foreign Trade
- Technology and Neo-Mercantilism in International Agricultural Trade
- New Concepts and Methods in Foreign Trade Negotiation
- Discussion: Policy and Non-Policy in Foreign Trade
- Discussion: Policy and Non-Policy in Foreign Trade
- Discussion: Policy and Non-Policy in Foreign Trade
- Content and Technique in Education on Policy
- A Basic Framework for Policy Education
- Discussion: A Basic Framework for Policy Education
- Economics of Inputs
- Discussion: A Basic Framework for Policy Education
- Agriculture and the Law
- Institutions and Instruments�Management Alternatives
- Do Legal and Tax Rules Favor Large-Scale Agricultural Firms?
- Legal-Economic Models as a Tool for Optimizing Intergeneration Property Transfers
- Discussion: Agriculture and the Law
- Inducing Economic Development in Less Developed Countries
- Foreign Aid for Agricultural Development
- Agricultural Price Policy in the Context of Economic Development
- Discussion: Agricultural Price Policy in the Context of Economic Development
- Structure of Input Supplying Industries and Techniques of Analysis
- Discussion: Inducing Economic Development in Less Developed Countries
- Analytical Techniques Applicable to Domestic Development
- Tools of the Trade in Policy Decision�PPBS, A Case in Point
- Estimating the Ettects of Resource Development Programs on Regional Employment
- Estimating Contributions of Natural Resource Investments to Objectives in Regional Economic Development
- Estimating the Effects of Water Policies in the West
- Role of Transportation in Agricultrual Marketing and Development
- Transportation and Regional Development in Agriculture
- Economic Considerations in Rate Making and Rate Structures for Farm Products
- Transportation Pricing as a Factor in Commodity Marketing: Montana Wheat, A Case Study