1831. Sunset and Mt. St. Elias above clouds, from Strawberry Island, Kwik River in foreground Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Saint Elias, Mount AlaskaYaktuat Date: 1906-08-15 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1832. Advancing Malaspina Glacier on west side of Kwik River, 3+ miles from coast Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Malaspina Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-14 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1833. Advancing Malaspina Glacier on west side of Kwik River, 3 miles from coast Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Marvine Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-14 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1834. Hanging valley - just west of Gannett Nuntak (see 311-313) from fan, looking up at lip. Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-06 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1835. Hanging valley just west of Gannett Nunatak (310-313). From lip, looking up valley Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-08 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1836. Looking out of Hanging valley just west of Gannett Nunatak (see also 310-313) Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-08 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1837. Sunrise in Yakutat Bay west side Mt. Seattle in distance Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1838. Looking northwest across gravels and moraine to Atrevida Glacier and Ampthitheatre Butte from west shore of Yakutat Bay Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Atrevida Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-13 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1839. Panorama (318,319,320) of head of Russell fiord and Yakutat flat from mountain top (1200 ft) northwest of Cape Stoss, which shows in picture Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-12 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
1840. Panorama (318,319,320) of head of Russell fiord and Yakutat flat from mountain top (1200 ft) northwest of Cape Stoss Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-13 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr