121. In the British Legation. House and Gate in the South Stable Court Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
122. In the British Legation. The Legation Guard of Customs Volunteers Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
123. In the British Legation. The Legation Guard of British Marines Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
124. Showing the only good building left in the Hon-lin-yuan Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
125. In the British Legation. Sir Claude and Lady Macdonald Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
126. In the British Legation. A section of the outer wall Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
127. Gateway of the American Legation. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
128. In the British Legation. Cemetary Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
129. Wan-schao-schan landscape view; Wan-schao-schan river with buildings in the distance; Wan-schao-schan farther view of building; Wan-schao-schan close view of building Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image
130. Der internationale Klub; Deutsche Kommandantur; Seesoldaten marschieren durch die stadt; Did Fahnenkompagnie ruckt aus dem Kaiserpalastan Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Format: Image