21. Fence separating housing from an open field (Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
22. Lower level and courtyard of an apartment building (Bellahøj, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Bellahøj, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
23. Two-story row houses from a field (Brondbyparken, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Brondbyparken, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
24. Interior path leading to units (Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
25. Open field surrounding a single-story housing development (Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
26. Inner courtyard of an apartment building (Bredalsparken, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Bredalsparken, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
27. Plaza and high-rise towers in the background (Bellahøj, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Bellahøj, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
28. Planted interior courtyard (Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Grenhusene, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
29. Apartment buildings (Bredalsparken, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Bredalsparken, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
30. Apartment building (Ryparken, Copenhagen, DK) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Ryparken, Copenhagen, DK Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)