251. Chalk townhouses, landscaping, and pathways (Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Date: 1971-11 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
252. Channel Square townhomes (Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Date: 1971-11 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
253. Finley House apartment balconies and landscaping (Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Date: 1971-11 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
254. Southwest DC retail shopping center (Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Southwest Washington, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Date: 1971-11 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
255. Office complex and surrounding open space (Columbia, Maryland, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Columbia, Maryland, USA Date: 1972-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
256. Shopping center two-tier entryway facade and ramp (Columbia, Maryland, USA) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Columbia, Maryland, USA Date: 1972-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
257. Pedestrian path towards residential buildings (Split, HR) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Split, HR Date: 1976-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
258. Beachside residential building (Split, HR) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Split, HR Date: 1976-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
259. Traditional detached cottage with high-rise residential development in the background (Split, HR) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Split, HR Date: 1976-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
260. Adriatic Sea between two buildings (Split, HR) Collection: John Reps Collection - Urban Explorer Location: Split, HR Date: 1976-07 Format: Image Creator: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)