41. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects: Volume VI. Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
42. The useful arts employed in the production of clothing Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: J. W. Parker, Publication Place: London Format: Book
43. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Multivolume
44. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects: Volume I. Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
45. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects: Volume II. Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
46. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects: Volume III. Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
47. Cyclopedia of textile work: a general reference library on cotton, woollen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting, and allied subjects: Volume IV. Creator: American School (Chicago, Ill.) Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: American School of Correspondence, Publication Place: Chicago Format: Book
48. The conservation of textiles Creator: Elledge, Harvey Gerald. Collection: Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History Location: Albert R. Mann Library Publisher: Laundryowners National Association, Publication Place: La Salle, Ill. Format: Book
49. The new fibers Creator: Sherman, Joseph V., 1905- Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Publication Place: New York : Date: 1946 Format: Book
50. Long vegetable fibers, manila, sisal, jute, flax and related fibers of commerce Creator: Weindling, Ludwig. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Columbia Univ. Press, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1947 Format: Book