1. Scolopax.: 1. Red-breasted Snipe. .. Scolopax Noveboracensis.: 2. Wilson's Snipe. .. _. Wilsonii.: 3. American Woodcock. .. _. Minor.: Engraved by J. B. Kidd S.A. Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1835 Format: Image Creator: Brown, Thomas (British naturalist and military officer, 1785-1862) Engraver: J. B. Kidd, James Turvey
2. The Ruff: Tringa pugnax, J. W. Hill: Lith. of Endicott, New York Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1842 Format: Image Creator: Hill, John William (American (of British birth) watercolorist, lithographer, and engraver, 1812-1879) Engraver: John William Hill
3. Gallinago nobilis: J. Smith lith.: M&N. Hanhart, Imp. Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1869 Format: Image Creator: Smith, J., lith.
4. Phegornis leucopterus: Forster's short winged sandpiper: J.G. Keulemans lith.: Hanhart Imp. Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1887 Format: Image Creator: Keulemans, Johannes Gerardus (Dutch painter and printmaker, 1842-1912, active in England) Engraver: Hanhart