451. L&N Main Line Bisected by the Southern Railway Main Line Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Louisville and Nashville Railroad (L&N): Birmingham Division, yards, passenger terminals, and industries Location: Birmingham, AL Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Dubose, L.A.
452. View of the Tracks Approaching the Hump in Boyles Yard Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Louisville and Nashville Railroad (L&N): Birmingham Division, yards, passenger terminals, and industries Location: Birmingham, AL Boyles Yard Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Dubose, L.A.
453. L&N Main Line Bisected by Southern Railway Main Line Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Louisville and Nashville Railroad (L&N): Birmingham Division, yards, passenger terminals, and industries Location: Birmingham, AL Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Dubose, L.A.
454. Looking East at West Oakland Diesel Shop Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Southern Pacific Railroad: Western Division, West Oakland Yards Location: Oakland, CA West Oakland Diesel Shop Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) Photographer: Vawter, Howard M.
455. West Oakland Yard, Looking East Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Southern Pacific Railroad: Western Division, West Oakland Yards Location: Oakland, CA Oakland Yard Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) Photographer: Vawter, Howard M.
456. Gray's Ferry Yard Track Curvature Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Pennsylvania Railroad: Philadelphia Division Location: Philadelphia, PA Gray's Ferry Yard Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Bartley, Edward J.
457. B&O Lincoln Street Terminal, East End of Robey Street Yard Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O): Chicago Division Location: Chicago, IL Lincoln Street Terminal Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Redmond, James B.
458. Industrial Siding Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Illinois Central Railroad: Memphis Division Location: Memphis, TN Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Howell, Fred D.
459. Industrial Siding and Cross-over Tracks Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Illinois Central Railroad: Memphis Division Location: Memphis, TN Memphis Terminal Yard Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Howell, Fred D.
460. Industrial Siding and Cross-over Tracks Collection: U.S. President's Railroad Commission Photographs Set: Illinois Central Railroad: Memphis Division Location: Memphis, TN Memphis Terminal Yard Date: 1960 Format: Image Creator: Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BLF&E) Photographer: Howell, Fred D.