1. La Fauvette chrysoptère. Sylvia chrysoptera. Lath. pl. 97: Pretre Pinxt.: Langlois imp.: Bouquet sculpt. Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1807 Format: Image Creator: Prêtre, Jean-Gabriel (Swiss-French natural history painter of birds, mammals, and reptiles with several species of animal named after him, 1768-1849) Engraver: Bouquet
2. 1. Pinnated Grous: 2. Blue-green Warbler: 3. Nashville Warbler: drawn from Nature by A. Wilson: Engraved by A. Lawson Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1808 Format: Image Creator: Wilson, Alexander (Scottish printmaker and naturalist, 1766-1813, active in the United States) Engraver: A. Lawson
3. Yellow Warbler [Rathbone Warbler]: Passeriformes Parulidae, Dendroica petechia, 344. Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1827 Format: Image Creator: Audubon, John James (American painter and naturalist, 1785-1851)
4. fig. 112 the Spotted Warbler (Sylvicola maculosa). fig. 113 the Blackburnian Warbler (Sylvicola blackburniæ). fig. 114 the Black-throated Green Warbler (Sylvicola virens).J. W. Hill: Lith. of Endicott, New York Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1842 Format: Image Creator: Hill, John William (American (of British birth) watercolorist, lithographer, and engraver, 1812-1879) Engraver: J. W. Hill
5. Bay-breasted warbler: Dendroica castanea Collection: Hill Ornithology Collection Date: 1906 Format: Image Creator: Maynard, Charles Johnson, 1845-1929 (American naturalist and ornothologist)