1. 265 Alaska Exp. Looking north along elevated beach, west side. Disenchanted Bay opt. Indian Camp Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
2. Yakutat Bay: Sinking of land as head of Russell Fiord. Beach advancing on forest. Camp 6. 1905-103 USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-31 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
3. Yakutat Bay: Knight Island S.W. PA. Forest invaded by sand 1905-101 Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-08-28 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
4. Yakutat Bay: Faults 2-6 ft. apart south side of Nunatak, Ice erosion topography, 1905-131 USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-24 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
5. Yakutat Bay: Looking along same new fault as in 16-9. Nunatak in Nunatak Fjord. Fault scarp is 6 ft (see next slide) USGS 1905-134 Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-24 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
6. Yakutat Bay: Faults looking down. Front on the Nunatak. 1905-120 USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-29 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
7. Yakutat Bay: Barnacles and vegetation on slate Northeast side of Russell Fiord, nearly opp. Camp 3, 1905-106, USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-01 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
8. Yakutat Bay. Faults on south side Nunatak USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-29 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
9. Yakutat Bay: S… old wavecut cliff. Man on rock bench of elevated beach. USGS 1905-123 Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-08-05 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
10. Yakutat Bay: New fault scarp. Upthown on N. 1905-135 1500 USGS Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska AlaskaYakutat Date: 1905-07-29 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr