1. Petrarcque du triumphe du Temps; Tempus vincit Famam; Le Temps vaincq Renommee [Triumph of Time, Time Vanquishes Fame] (from Petrarch, Triumphs) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: ca. 1538 Format: Image
2. (from Boccaccio, Vornemmste) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: ca. 1545 Format: Image Artist: Burgmair
3. [Title page] (from Chaucer, Works) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: ca. 1602 Format: Image
4. William Henry Harrison Philadelphia Memorial Service Ribbon, 1841 Collection: Political Americana Date: 1841 Format: Image Political Figure: Harrison, William Henry, American (1773-1841), President
5. William Henry Harrison New York Memorial Service Ribbon, 1841 Collection: Political Americana Date: 1841 Format: Image Political Figure: Harrison, William Henry, American (1773-1841), President