31. The poetry of flowers and flowers of poetry; to which are added, a simple treatise on botany, with familiar examples, and a copious floral dictionary. Ed. by Frances S. Osgood Creator: Osgood, Frances Sargent, 1811-1850 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: J. C. Riker Publication Place: New York Date: 1851 Format: Book
32. The language of flowers : The floral offering ; a token of affection and esteem ; comprising the language and poetry of flowers / by Henrietta Dumont Creator: Dumont, Henrietta Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: H. C. Peck and T. Bliss Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1851 Format: Book
33. Floral gems / by Mary Howitt and others Creator: Howitt, Mary (Mary Botham), 1799-1888 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: C.P. Huestis and Cozans Publication Place: New York Date: 1851 Format: Book
34. Le langage emblematique des fleurs d'apres leurs proprietes naturelles, leur historique, la consecration ancienne et l'usage : avec la nomenclature des differents sentiments dont chaque fleur est le symbole : suivi de la signification des fleurs, et de leur emploi pour l'expression des pensees / par B. R. ; ouvrage orne gravures coloriees Creator: R., B. Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: Victor Lecou,Libraire Editeur Publication Place: Paris Date: 1852 Format: Book
35. Nouveau langage des fleurs : avec la nomenclature des sentiments dont chaque fleur est le symbole, et leur emploi pour l'expression des pensee : precede d'une introduction / par Pierre Zaccone Creator: Zaccone, Pierre, 1817-1895 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: V. Lecou Publication Place: Paris Date: 1853 Format: Book
36. The Floral forget me not; A gift for all seasons Creator: Unknown Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: H. F. Anners Publication Place: Philadelphia Date: 1854 Format: Book
37. The Language of flora / by Emma C. Embury Creator: Embury, Emma C. (Emma Catherine), 1806-1863 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: Riker, Thorne, and co. Publication Place: New York Date: 1854 Format: Book
38. The poetical language of flowers : or, The pilgrimage of love / by Thomas Miller Creator: Miller, Thomas, 1807-1874 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: D. Bogue Publication Place: London Date: 1855 Format: Book
39. The floral fortune-teller; a game for the season of flowers. By Miss S.C. Edgarton Creator: Mayo, Sarah C. Edgarton (Sarah Carter Edgarton), 1819-1848 Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: A. Tompkins Publication Place: Boston Date: 1855 Format: Book
40. The Language of flowers birthday book Creator: Unknown Collection: Language of Flowers Publisher: Dodge Pub. Publication Place: New York Date: 1855 Format: Book