1. Slave Emancipation with Proviso that Slave will Leave the State within 90 days Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1863-09-07 Format: Image
2. Will that frees slaves after the crops are harvested Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1839-09-02 Format: Image
3. Colonizing Africans in Africa Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1836-09-03 Format: Image Creator: Henry Clay Addressee: Samuel Gwatheny Robertson
4. Kentucky Estate Sale Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1821 Format: Image
5. Freedom Bond for a Slave Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1853 Format: Image
6. Slave manumission signed by Matilda with an "X". She promises to leave Kentucky within 90 days Collection: Gail and Stephen Rudin Slavery Collection, 1728-1973 Location: Kentucky Date: 1861-03-12 Format: Image