221. Miélan: Market Building City Hall From South Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
222. Miélan: East Side Market Square from South Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
223. Miélan: Market Building City Hall Entrance Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
224. Miélan: Market Building From Southwest Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
225. Miélan: Inside Market Building Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
226. Miélan: Miélan Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Miélan Date: 2009 1284 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
227. Mirande: Church Tower And Buttress From South Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Mirande Date: 2009 1281 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
228. Mirande: Church Tower Detail from North Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Mirande Date: 2009 1281 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
229. Mirande: Church Tower and Porch Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Mirande Date: 2009 1281 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)
230. Mirande: Church Sculpture Collection: John Reps Collection - Bastides Location: Gers, Midi-Pyrénées, France Mirande Date: 2009 1281 Format: Image Senechal: Eustache de Beaumarchais Photographer: Reps, John William (American urban planning historian)