1. Flash Munich 77 767: To all State Police Hq and Branch Offices, all Security Service Commands in Main and Subordinate Branches. / Measures to be taken against Jews tonight. Creator: Heydrich, Reinhardt Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
2. To all State Police Buros - Chief or Deputy Chiefs - Creator: Muller Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
3. Munich 47768: To State Police Hq Augsburg, Nurnberg, et al. / Anti-Jewish Measures. Creator: Eberstein, Karl von Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book