1. Report of Interrogation: No. 5750 of P/W: 3 WG-1293 /Rank: Ambassador at large / SECRET Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
2. Freiherr von Falkenstein / (Addressed to an unspecified General and marked 'Chefsache')/ Translation of Document No. 376-PS / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel / SECRET Creator: Falkenstein Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
3. Report of Interrogation: No. 5750 of P/W: 3WG-1293 / Rank: Ambassador at large / SECRET Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
4. Intermediate Interrogation Report (IIR) / Prisoner: O/Gruf Kaltenbrunner, Ernst / SECRET / Headquarters 12th Army Group / Interrogation Center / APO 655 Creator: Lennon, Harry K. Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book