1. Brief of Interrogation of Josef Buehler / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel / APO 403, U.S. Army / Interrogation Division Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
2. Testimony of Hans Frank / Taken at: Nuremberg, Germany /13 September 1945, Afternoon / By: Lt. Col. Thomas A. Hinkel, IGD, OUSCC / SECRET Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
3. Testimony of Hans Frank, taken at Nuremberg, Germany on 3 October 1945, 1030-1215, by Lt Col Thomas S. Hinkel, IGD, OUSCC / SECRET Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
4. Testimony of Hans Frank, taken at Nuremberg, Germany on 3 October 1945, 1430-1700, by Lt. Col. Thomas S. Hinkel, IGD, OUSCC / SECRET Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book