Search Results
22. Subject: Indictment against Goering and Doenitz
23. Memorandum of Interview Between General Donovan and the Defendant Goering, in the Presence of Dr. Kempner and His Defense Counsel, Dr. Stahmer, on Monday, November 12, 1945 / Translation
24. Niederschrift über eine Unterredung zwischen Herrn General Donovan und dem Angeklagten Goring in Anwesenheit von Dr. Kempner und dem Verteidiger Dr. Stahmer am Montag, den 12. November 1945
25. Memo to: Captain Nordon
26. Subject: Responsibility for Defendants / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel
27. Subject: Witnesses / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel
28. Subject: Austrian Anschluss / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality / APO 403, U.S. Army / Operations Section / Interrogation Division
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