1. The Program of The NSDAP. Page 153 of: National Socialistic Yearbook 1941 (Nationalsozialistishes Jahrbuch 1941). Translation of Document 1708-PS / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel. Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
2. Excerpts from German Publications (Der Grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf, Reden Adolf Hitler; Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, Hitler; Signale der Neuen Zeit, Goebbels). Translation of Document 2541-PS / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel. Creator: Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945 Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
3. Wesen, Grundsaetze und Ziele der NSDAP. Translation of Document 2433-PS / Office of U.S. Chief of Counsel. Creator: Rosenberg, Alfred, 1893-1946 Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book