1. [Fuller's Conversation with Schacht, 23 Sept. 1935 ]: title not printed on document; see table of contents for Volume II. Creator: Fuller, S. R. Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
2. German Military Government Over Europe: Economic Controls in Occupied Europe / Office of Strategic Services / Research and Analysis Branch / R & A No. 2500.15 / RESTRICTED Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book
3. R & A No. 2500.15 / German Military Government Over Europe: Economic Controls in Occupied Europe / Office of Strategic Services / Research and Analysis Branch / RESTRICTED Collection: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection Publisher: International Military Tribunal Publication Place: Nuremberg, Germany Format: Book