1. Pianta et alzzata del giardino e vigna di Papa Sixto V. . .Cardinale Paolo Savelli Peretti [Villa Montalto] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author), ...
2. Pianta del Giardino dell' Eccellentissimo Signor Principe Ludovisi a Porta Pinciana [Villa Ludovisi] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Artist: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author)
3. Veduta del Giardino dell'Eccellentissimo Signor Principe Ludovisi [Villa Ludovisi] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Artist: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author)
4. Pianta del Giardino del Serenissimo GranDuca di Toscana alla Trinita de Monti sul Monte Pincio [Villa Medici] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author), ...
5. Pianta del Giardino del Serenissimo Duca di Parma sul'Monte Palatino [Farnese Gardens] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Orti Farnesiani Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da (Italian, 1507-1573) (Architect), ...
6. Prospettiva del Giardino del Serenissimo GranDuca di Toscana sul Monte Pincio [Villa Medici] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author), ...
7. Veduta del Giardino di Belvedere del Palazzo Pontificio in Vaticano (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author), ...
8. Pianta del Giardino dell'Eccellentissimo Signor Duca Mattei alla Navicella nel Monte Celio [Villa Mattei] (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Artist: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author)
9. Pianta del Giardino Pontificio del Quirinale (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Mascarini, Ottavio (Architect), ...
10. Pianta et alzata del Giardino di Belvedere e del Palazzo Pontificio in Vaticano (from Falda, Gardens of Rome) Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: before 1695 Format: Image Creator: Falda, Giovanni Battista (Italian, 1648-1678) (Artist/Printmaker and Author), ...