1. West side of Hayden Glacier. Slumping ice where Kwik enters. Looking west out to Hitchcock Hills. Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Hayden Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
2. Blossom Island lake Floral Hills, Floral Pass, Hayden Glacier, from west margin of Marvine Glacier. Panorama 167-168 Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Hayden Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr
3. West side of Hayden Glacier. Slumping glacier where Kwik enters. Looking west across Blossom Island Collection: Historic Glacial Images of Alaska and Greenland Location: Alaska Hayden Glacier AlaskaYakutat Date: 1906-07-29 Yakutat Bay 1906 Format: Image Photographer: Ralph Stockman Tarr